J-GLOBAL ID:201801010108324663   Update date: Jun. 14, 2024

Toyoda Masashi

Toyoda Masashi
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL  (1): https://www.tmghig.jp/research/team/rounenbyotai/shinketsukanroukasaiseiigaku/
Research field  (2): Human pathology ,  Pathobiochemistry
Research keywords  (5): developmental biology ,  stem cell biology ,  cell biology ,  glycobiology ,  vascular biology
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (14):
  • 2023 - 2027 Optimizing biocompatibilities of an artificial lung in a setting of a long-term pulmonary artery-left atrium (PA-LA) extracorporeal circulation system
  • 2021 - 2023 Establishment of the molecular mechanism for the indefinite complaint caused by tissue dysfunction caused due to vascular damage
  • 2015 - 2020 Critical epigenome identification of human iPS / ES cells based on machine learning analysis of teratoma pathology
  • 2014 - 2017 Influence of aging and exercise on engraftment after stem cell transplantation into myocardial infarction model mice
  • 2013 - 2016 Role of stem cells for tissue regeneration and the effects of aging changes in organs, tissues and cells.
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Papers (149):
  • Shintaro Yamada, Toshiyuki Ko, Masamichi Ito, Tatsuro Sassa, Seitaro Nomura, Hiromichi Okuma, Mayuko Sato, Tsuyoshi Imasaki, Satoshi Kikkawa, Bo Zhang, et al. TEAD1 trapping by the Q353R-Lamin A/C causes dilated cardiomyopathy. Science advances. 2023. 9. 15. eade7047
  • Yoko Itakura, Yasuko Hasegawa, Yurika Kikkawa, Yuina Murakami, Kosuke Sugiura, Chiaki Nagai-Okatani, Norihiko Sasaki, Mariko Umemura, Yuji Takahashi, Tohru Kimura, et al. Spatiotemporal changes of tissue glycans depending on localization in cardiac aging. Regenerative therapy. 2023. 22. 68-78
  • Saeko Akiyama, Noriaki Saku, Shoko Miyata, Kenta Ite, Hidenori Nonaka, Masashi Toyoda, Akihide Kamiya, Tohru Kiyono, Tohru Kimura, Mureo Kasahara, et al. Drug metabolic activity as a selection factor for pluripotent stem cell-derived hepatic progenitor cells. Progress in molecular biology and translational science. 2023. 199. 155-178
  • Kenta Ite, Masashi Toyoda, Saeko Akiyama, Shin Enosawa, Saeko Yoshioka, Takaaki Yukitake, Mayu Yamazaki-Inoue, Kuniko Tatsumi, Hidenori Akutsu, Hiroshi Nishina, et al. Stem cell challenges and opportunities. Progress in molecular biology and translational science. 2023. 199. 379-395
  • Saeko Akiyama, Noriaki Saku, Shoko Miyata, Kenta Ite, Masashi Toyoda, Tohru Kimura, Masahiko Kuroda, Atsuko Nakazawa, Mureo Kasahara, Hidenori Nonaka, et al. Drug metabolic activity is a critical cell-intrinsic determinant for selection of hepatocytes during long-term culture. Stem Cell Research & Therapy. 2022. 13. 1
MISC (52):
  • 板倉陽子, 吉川友里香, 杉浦功祐, 杉浦功祐, 岡谷(永井)千晶, 佐々木紀彦, 木村透, 久野敦, 豊田雅士. Analysis of age-related spatiotemporal changes in mouse cardiac glycans using lectin microarrays. 日本糖質学会年会要旨集. 2022. 41st
  • 板倉 陽子, 佐々木 紀彦, 豊田 雅士. レクチンマイクロアレイ法を用いたマウス心臓の加齢に伴う糖鎖変化と局在に関する比較解析. 日本生化学会大会プログラム・講演要旨集. 2021. 94回. [P-007]
  • Masashi Toyoda. Endothelial dysfunction and chronic inflammation during aging. 2021. 10. 2. 25-30
  • 佐々木 紀彦, 五味 不二也, 吉村 久志, 山本 昌美, 松田 陽子, 道下 正貴, 畠山 仁, 川野 陽一, 板倉 陽子, 豊田 雅士, et al. FGFR4阻害剤のBLU9931により、膵癌細胞で細胞老化が誘導される. 日本癌学会総会記事. 2021. 80回. [J16-6]
  • 五味 不二也, 佐々木 紀彦, 志智 優樹, 進士 誠一, 長谷川 文雄, 高橋 公正, 豊田 雅士, 石渡 俊行. 2D及び3D培養下におけるPolyvinyl alcoholの膵癌細胞への効果. 日本癌学会総会記事. 2021. 80回. [P11-6]
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