J-GLOBAL ID:201801010384556845
Update date: Jun. 12, 2024
Takaoka Yutaka
タカオカ ユタカ | Takaoka Yutaka
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Local studies
Research keywords (5):
Migrant, Refugees
, Terrorizm
, Area Studies
, Middle East
, Syria
Research theme for competitive and other funds (11):
- 2022 - 2027 Policy Preferences of People and Legitimacy of Governance in the Middle East
- 2021 - 2024 Comparative Study on Trans Border Activities of Non-state Armed Actors in the Middle East
- 2018 - 2023 Roles of the Informal Actors in Reconstruction and/or Destruction of the State: Case Studies of the Arab East
- 2018 - 2021 Cross-Regional Study of Public Morality, Violence and Ruling Authority in Modern Muslim Society
- 2017 - 2020 International Migration Policies and its impact on the Migrants-Refugees from the Middle East
- 2015 - 2019 Empirical Studies of Political Reform and Political Order in the Middle East
- 2016 - 2019 中東の紛争地に関係する越境移動の総合的研究:移民・難民と潜入者の移動に着目して
- 2015 - 2018 Non-State Actors and Political Structure in the Middle East after "Arab Spring"
- 2014 - 2017 A Comparative Study of Dynamics and Attitudes of Arab Migrants-Refugees in Jordan and Sweden
- 2013 - 2016 東地中海諸国の政治・社会における縁故主義についての実証的研究
- 2011 - 2014 The Research in Integrated Approaches on Attitudes and Dynamics of Palestinian Migration
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Papers (9):
TAKAOKA Yutaka. Mechanism for Syrian Tribe's Participation in the Parliament Under Syrian Conflict. The Journal of International Security. 2023. 51. 2. 62-79
TAKAOKA Yutaka. Syrian Conflict and Non-State Armed Actors: Mobilization of the Islamic State and its Failure. The Journal of International Security. 2020. 48. 1. 9-26
TAKAOKA Yutaka. The Reconstruction of Syria nad Its Challenges. Journal of Middle Eastern Studies. 2019. 536. 42-55
TAKAOKA Yutaka. Analysis of the Resource Mobilization Mechanism of the Islamic State. PERCEPTION. 2016. 21. 1. 11-26
髙岡 豊. 越境する興奮、越境しない世界観(特集1:中東から変わる世界--第II部「アラブの春」に見る軍・宗教・メディア--地域間比較から). 地域研究. 2012. 12. 1. 188-199
MISC (31):
Syria - The Struggle Continues. 2022. 544. 37-48
TAKAOKA Yutaka. Experiences and Attitude toward Migration among Syrian Migrants and Refugees. Annals of Japan Association for Middle East Studies. 2019. 35. 1. 69-93
髙岡 豊. エルサレム問題とイスラーム過激派の知的退行. 中東研究. 2018. 532. 51-66
髙岡 豊. 「部族」という観点から見るシリア紛争. 中東研究. 2017. 526. 44-53
髙岡 豊. 現代シリアにおけるアルメニア人の政治活動. アジア・アフリカにおける諸宗教の関係の歴史と現状. 2016. 69-80
Books (12):
Syrian conflict and Militias
2024 ISBN:9784771038400
「テロとの戦い」との闘い あるいはイスラーム過激派の変貌
東京外国語大学出版会 2023 ISBN:9784910635033
Actors and Dynamics in the Syrian Conflict's Middle Phase
Routledge 2022 ISBN:9781032185026
ミネルヴァ書房 2019 ISBN:9784623082391
中東・イスラーム世界の歴史・宗教・政治 : 多様なアプローチが織りなす地域研究の現在
明石書店 2018 ISBN:9784750346311
Lectures and oral presentations (19):
Syrian migrants-refugees and IDPs: Their experiences and persepective of return
(Syrian Refugee Crisis: from Regional to Global Challenges 2019)
Do Syrians in Turkey want to return? -analyzing survey to SuTPs (2017)-
(Turkish - Japanese Joint Research Workshop on Migration 2019)
Experience and Consciousness of Migration among Arab citizen - Focusing on Syri
(25th World Congress of Political Science, Brisbane, Australia 2018)
(日本中東学会第年次大会 2018)
Comparative study of the dynamics of the Syrian refugees in Jordan, Turkey and Sweden
(European Social Science History Conference 2018. Queen's University, Belfast 2018)
Education (2):
- 1998 - 2000 Sophia University
- 1994 - 1998 Waseda University
Work history (1):
- 2012/04 - 現在 Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Others Part-time Lecture
Association Membership(s) (1):
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