J-GLOBAL ID:201801011335937902
Update date: Nov. 28, 2019
Affiliation and department:
Papers (3):
実践コミュニティとしての大学院生の勉強会における参加の拡張」. 学びの実践共同体. 2017
「社会文化アプローチによる負の言語転移研究-ピアインターアクションにおける名詞修飾詞「の」の習得と考察」. 2016
The effects of mother-tongue in the acquisition of Japanese: In the case of the noun modifier no. 293-304
Lectures and oral presentations (9):
(オーストラリアの繋がる日本語教育 2019)
A Study of the misuse of the Japanese Noun modifier no by second language learners of Japanese: The Examination of the Effect of Chunking
(Japanese Studies Association of Australia 2016)
A sociocultural approach on the study of negative language transfer: The effect of peer interaction on the acquisition of the Japanese noun modifier no
(The combined Conference of Applied Linguistics Association Australia and Australian Linguistics Society 2016)
A sociocultural approach on the study of negative language transfer: The study of the acquisition of the Japanese noun modifier no through peer interaction
(The International Conference of Japanese Language Education, Bali 2016)
Second Language learning through Collaborative Dialogue: A proposal to an experimental study
(Languages and Culture - Network for Australian Universities Colloquium, Macquarie University 2015)
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