J-GLOBAL ID:201801012451094269   Update date: Apr. 04, 2024

NONAKA Chisato

NONAKA Chisato
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL  (1): http://hyoka.ofc.kyushu-u.ac.jp/search/details/K006839/index.html
Research field  (1): Sociology of education
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (1):
  • 2022 - 2025 SARS-CoV-2 Attitudes and Behaviours in Japanese Youth: The Contribution of Personality, National Identity and the Communication of Public Health Discourse
Papers (21):
  • Chisato Nonaka. Language teacher recognition: narratives of Filipino English teachers in Japan. Asian Studies Review. 2021. 45. 3. 547-548
  • Chisato Nonaka. Utilizing LINE as a tool for a U.S.-Japan transnational education course. Digital experiences of international students: Challenging assumptions and rethinking engagement. 2021
  • Chisato Nonaka. Fostering students' empathy and cultural sensitivity to undo native-speakerism: A case study of a transnational education platform involving universities in Hawaii and Japan. Native-speakerism: Its resilience and undoing. 2020
  • Chisato Nonaka. Who is EMI for?: From Vietnam, thinking about a clash of realities behind the policy, practice, and pedagogy in Japan. Higher education in market-oriented socialist Vietnam: 'New' players, 'new' discourses, 'new' practices. 2020
  • Chisato Nonaka. Transnational identity: The struggles of being and becoming a Japanese female professor in a neo-kokusaika phase of Japan. Research in Comparative and International Education. 2020
Books (5):
  • Utilizing LINE as a tool for a U.S.-Japan transnational education course. In C. Gomes & S. Chang (Eds.), Digital experiences of international students.
  • Fostering students’ empathy and cultural sensitivity to undo native-speakerism: A case study of a transnational education platform involving universities in Hawaii and Japan. In S. A. Houghton & J. Bouchard (Eds.), Native-speakerism: Its resilience and undoing.
    Springer Nature 2020
  • Who is EMI for?: From Vietnam, thinking about a clash of realities behind the policy, practice, and pedagogy in Japan. In Phan, Le Ha & Doan, Ba Ngoc (Eds). Higher education in market-oriented socialist Vietnam: 'New' players, 'new' discourses, 'new' practices.
    Palgrave Macmillan U.S. 2020
  • Transcending self and other through akogare [desire]: The English language and the internationalization of higher education in Japan.
    Multilingual Matters 2018
  • “They were American but shy!": The Japanese university students’ encounter with local students in Hawai'i. In Houghton, Stephanie A. & Hashimoto, Kayoko (Eds). Towards post-native-speakerism: Dynamics and shifts.
    Springer 2018
Lectures and oral presentations  (9):
  • Challenging the current discourse of internationalization: A critical perspective
    (QS APPLE 2018 2018)
  • Guided Disruption and Culturally Responsive Practice Through International Exchange
    (JUSTEC 2018 2018)
  • Where Am I? Who Am I? Who Are You?: Guided Disruption and Culturally Responsive Practice Through International Exchange
    (COE-Bukkyo Joint International Conference 2018)
  • Englishization of higher education and its implications for pre-service teachers in Japan
    (JUSTEC 2017 2017)
  • Is it really worth it?: Sustaining an international PDS
    (The 2017 Professional Development Schools National Conference 2017)
Professional career (1):
  • 博士(教育学) (ハワイ大学)
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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