Research field (1):
Primary/secondary education and curricula
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2023 - 2027 Construction of a Teacher Education Platform Linking Theory and Practice with Physical Education Lesson Study
2023 - 2027 Construction of a teacher education platform linking theory and practice with physical education lesson study
2015 - 2019 Practice and verification of a challenging Micro-teaching aiming at the development of practical teaching skill of health and physical education prospective teachers.
中川 麻衣子. 保健体育科教員の教育実習指導における関わりへの認識に関する研究 : メンタリングの視点から-How health and physical education teachers perceive their involvement in teaching practice : A mentoring perspective. 運動とスポーツの科学 = Journal of physical exercise and sports science. 2022. 27. 2. 129-138
中川 麻衣子, 濱本 想子, 辻 亮太, 敖敦其其格. わが国の教育実習における特質と展開に関する歴史的検討-A Historical Study of Characteristic and Development on Teaching Practicum in Japan. 日本教科教育学会誌 = The bulletin of Japanese curriculum research and development. 2021. 43. 4. 13-23