Research field (3):
Applied mathematics and statistics
, Material fabrication and microstructure control
, Machine materials and mechanics
Research keywords (2):
Data assimilation
, Phase-field method
Research theme for competitive and other funds (19):
2024 - 2027 Improving prediction accuracy with a coupled soil/crop model using data assimilation for computer-aided agriculture.
2021 - 2026 Materials Informatics for Creation of Materials by Super Thermal Field
2020 - 2024 粘弾性マイクロジェットの能動制御と次世代製造プロセスへの展開
2020 - 2023 Improvement in predictive accuracy of crystal-plasticity analysis by utilizing oligocrystal metal and machine learning
2020 - 2023 Development of computational techniques for inverse problems and optimizations of sheet metal forming using machine learning
2017 - 2021 Development of efficient manufacturing process of nano/micro metal resonators and application for development of optical fuctional devices
2017 - 2020 Improvement of sheet metal forming simulation using precise multiracial material tests and machine learning
2016 - 2019 Does magma harden or soften with accelerating deformation? - Clarifying brittle fracture process of fluid for application to volcano dynamics
2014 - 2018 Development of nano manufacturing technology by combination of nano machining and self organization technique, and application to development of optical function.
2013 - 2017 Development of microstructure optimization method for improving properties of high strength steels
2014 - 2016 Mechanism of fragmentation of inhomogeneous porous viscoelastic liquid in solid/fluid transition regime
2013 - 2016 Precise prediction of diffusional phase transformation behavior by phase-field method and data assimilation
2013 - 2016 Control of phase decomposition by nano plastic forming and its application for ultrahigh aspect ratio nano-machinning
2013 - 2016 Elucidation of mechanisms of dendrite competitive growth by very-large-scale GPU phase-field simulations
2011 - 2014 Efficient method for ordered nano dot array fabrication by combination of machining and self-organization process
2011 - 2012 Prediction of Microstructure and Mechanical Property of Multiphase Steel using GPU-accelerated Phase-Field Method
2009 - 2010 Development of Crystal Plasticity Phase-Field Method for Prediction of Microstructure Evolution and Elastoplastic Deformation.
Kota Matsumoto, Eisuke Miyoshi, Motoki Umezawa, Masato Ito, Yoshiki Mori, Kishu Akiba, Nobuhiro Kitahara, Kenichi Yaguchi, Akinori Yamanaka. Data-driven phase-field analysis of static recrystallization in an aluminum alloy. Computational Materials Science. 2025. 251. 113749-113749
Masahito Segawa, Shoichiro Nakamura, Akinori Yamanaka. Evaluation of solute segregation in SUS316L stainless steel under rapid solidification using a non-equilibrium multiphase field model. Computational Materials Science. 2025. 250. 113697-113697
Tomoo Fujiwara, Eisuke Miyoshi, Akinori Yamanaka. Evaluating inclination-dependent anisotropic grain boundary energies: Bayesian data assimilation approach using molecular dynamics and phase-field simulations. Computational Materials Science. 2025. 248. 113605-113605
Akiyasu Yamamoto, Akinori Yamanaka, Kazumasa Iida, Yusuke Shimada, Satoshi Hata. Integrating machine learning with advanced processing and characterization for polycrystalline materials: a methodology review and application to iron-based superconductors. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials. 2025. 26. 1
Kengo SASAKI, Sae SUEKI, Akinori YAMANAKA. Parameter Estimation for Phase-field Crack Propagation Simulation Using Nonsequential Data Assimilation. Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity. 2025
山中晃徳, 石井秋光, 義永瑞雲, 佐藤俊介, 池内みどり, 斉藤光, 波多聰, 山本明保. Non-sequential Data Assimilation for In-situ Observation and Phase-field Simulation of Sintering Process of Copper particles. 計算工学講演会論文集(CD-ROM). 2023. 28
石井秋光, 近藤恭悠, 山中晃徳, 山本明保. Phase-field Modeling of Solid-state Sintering with Crystal Grain Orientation-dependent Interface Anisotropy. 計算工学講演会論文集(CD-ROM). 2023. 28
近藤恭悠, 石井秋光, 山中晃徳, 山本明保. Prediction of polycrystalline formation of iron-based superconductor BaFe2As2 using first-principles calculation and phase-field method. 計算工学講演会論文集(CD-ROM). 2023. 28
菊池慎次郎, 長谷川友大, 徳田進之介, 石井秋光, 山中晃徳, 山本明保. Application of machine learning methods for the synthesis of P doped Ba122 bulks. 応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM). 2022. 69th
近藤恭悠, 石井秋光, 三好英輔, 山中晃徳, 山本明保. First-principles calculation of surface energy of iron-based superconductor BaFe2As2. マルチスケール材料力学シンポジウム講演論文集(CD-ROM). 2022. 7th
2011/11 - ACM Gordon Bell Prize Special Achievements in Scalability and Time-to-Solution "Peta-scale Phase-Field Simulation for Dendritic Solidification on the TSUBAME 2.0 Supercomputer"