J-GLOBAL ID:201801012930646411   Update date: Nov. 10, 2024

Oka Teruki

オカ テルキ | Oka Teruki
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (1): Other
Research keywords  (3): Population Management ,  Damage Management ,  Wildlife Management
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (1):
  • 2008 - 2010 Designing management units of Asian black bear based on genetic structure
Papers (18):
  • Hayato Iijima, Teruki Oka. Fences are more effective than repellents in reducing deer browsing on planted two conifer species but their effectiveness is reduced by higher deer density, deeper snow, and steeper slope. Forest Ecology and Management. 2023. 546
  • Kei K Suzuki, Yasumitsu Kuwano, Yuki Kanamori, Yohei Kawauchi, Yoshihiko Uchimura, Masatoshi Yasuda, Hiroshi Kondoh, Teruki Oka. A 25-Year Study of the Population Dynamics of a Harvested Population of Sika Deer on Kyushu Island, Japan. Forests. 2022. 13. 5. 760
  • Kei K. Suzuki, Teruki Oka, Masatoshi Yasuda. Spatiotemporal changes in antlerless proportion of culled Sika deer in relation to deer density. Journal of Forestry Research. 2021
  • Kei Suzuki, Yasumitsu Kuwano, Yuki Kanamori, Yohei Kawauchi, Yoshihiko Uchimura, Masatoshi Yasuda, Hiroshi Kondoh, Teruki Oka. A 25-years population dynamics of sika deer in Kyushu Island, Japan: Estimation using vector autoregressive spatiotemporal model and evaluation of a large-scale management. 2021
  • SUZUKI Kei, WATANABE Yasufumi, KUBOTA Takuya, KUWANO Yasumitsu, KAWAUCHI Yohei, YAMAGAWA Hiromi, YASUDA Masatoshi, KONDOH Hiroshi, NOMIYA Haruto, OKA Teruki. Large-scale spatial distribution of deer browsing damage to young tree plantations. iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry. 2021. 14. 34-40
MISC (20):
  • 岡輝樹. 論壇「クマによる人身被害を考える」. 森林技術. 2024. 982. 2-6
  • 岡輝樹. 林業被害防除を再考する. 山林. 2023. 1668. 34-41
  • 岡輝樹. ニホンジカ狂騒曲. 山林. 2023. 1667. 36-42
  • Teruki Oka, Hayato Iijima, Atsushi Kamata, Akira Ishida, Norikazu Eguchi, Takuya Aikawa, Hiroshi Takahashi, Hiroshi Kondoh, Chizuru Yayota, Masato Hayakawa, et al. The Process of Population Expansion of Sika Deer. Sika Deer: Life History Plasticity and Management. 2022. 11-23
  • 飯島勇人, 岡輝樹, 林典子, 渡辺康文, 久保田拓也. シカ被害対策グレードアップ術~防鹿柵をめぐる攻防戦~. 森林総合研究所第4期中長期計画成果集. 2021. 32-33
Books (5):
  • Sika Deer: Life History Plasticity and Management
    Springer Singapore 2022 ISBN:9789811695544
  • 森林大百科事典
    朝倉書店 2009
  • エコロジー講座 生きものの数の不思議を解き明かす
    文一総合出版 2009
  • 遺伝子の窓から見た動物たち-フィールドと実験室をつないで
    京都大学学術出版会 2006 ISBN:4876986827
  • Rainforest ecosystems of East Kalimantan: El Niño, drought, fire and human impacts
    Springer-Verlag Tokyo 2000
Lectures and oral presentations  (12):
  • 九州広域におけるニホンジカ個体群動態に対する捕獲圧と気候の影響
    (九州森林学会大会 2020)
  • 野生動物による農林業被害と異常気象
    ((公財)農学会・日本農学アカデミー共同主催公開シンポジウム 2019)
  • 複数の情報源を用いたニホンジカ遅滞相の把握の試み
    (日本生態学会大会 2019)
  • 中国地方におけるニホンジカ分布拡大最前線の把握
    (日本森林学会 2019)
  • 防鹿柵の破損リスク要因の検討
    (日本森林学会 2019)
Professional career (1):
  • 博士(理学) (東京都立大学)
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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