Research keywords (9):
Forensic science
, 法医遺伝学
, DNA polymorphism
, 遺伝人類学
, DNA型個人識別
, Forensic DNA Phenotyping
, DNA profiling
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2019 - 2022 Development of the adult human height prediction model by Forensic DNA Phenotyping
2017 - 2020 Development of human height prediction model by DNA analysis
2015 - 2017 Analysis of a novel X-chromosomal short tandem repeat marker
Papers (12):
Takeki Nishi, Kenji Fukui, Sari Matumoto, Shojiro Takasu, Kimiharu Iwadate. Polymorphism and haplotype analysis of three novel short tandem repeat loci in the p11.4 region of human X chromosome. International Journal of Legal Medicine. 2021
Takeki Nishi, Kenji Fukui, Kimiharu Iwadate. Analysis of four novel X-chromosomal short tandem repeats within 71 kb of the Xp22.3 region. International journal of legal medicine. 2017. 131. 5. 1229-1233
西健喜, 福井謙二, 菅藤裕子, 松本紗里, 高須翔志郎, 岩楯公晴. A study of the effect of height genes associated with East Asians on the height of Japanese. DNA多型. 2023. 31. 1. 7-10
西健喜, 福井謙二, 菅藤裕子, 松本紗里, 高須翔志郎, 岩楯公晴. STR linkage groups on the short arm of the X chromosome. DNA多型. 2022. 30. 1. 90-95