J-GLOBAL ID:201801013972076727
Update date: Sep. 28, 2024
イシカワ ナオ | NAO ISHIKAWA
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
- 2009 - 2010 Significances and continuations of bullfighting in Okinawa and Chuetsu
Papers (13):
Nao Ishikawa. Expanding the range of lifestyle migrants and related populations: effectiveness of vocational training in a rural community. Asian Anthropology. 2024. 23. 2. 128-144
Ishikawa Nao. The “Return to the Country” phenomenon in Japan examined in relation to the concept of lifestyle migration. 2018. 10. 1-11
Ishikawa Nao. Facilitating the cooperation between universities and regions: Introduction of meta facilitation in the Taoyaka Program at Hiroshima University. 2017. 9. 69-80
Ishikawa Nao. Effective methods and practice of active learning in postgraduate education: A case study of the “Creation of Regional Culture” in the Taoyaka Program, Hiroshima University, Japan. 2016. 8. 1-15
Nao ISHIKAWA, Hidenori OKAHASHI, Lin CHEN. Challenges of Onsite Visits for Multidisciplinary Education in Graduate School: Case Study of the Taoyaka Leading Program at Hiroshima University. E-journal GEO. 2016. 11. 2. 502-515
MISC (5):
石川 菜央. 和霊神社の闘牛. 西南四国歴史文化論叢よど. 2011. 12(印刷中)
ISHIKAWA Nao. The Social Relations of Bullfighters in the Tokunoshima Island. 2006. 69. 216
石川 菜央. わくわく生き物地理学(3)つながる!わかる!闘牛の世界. 地理. 2005. 50. 8. 104-107
石川 菜央. 新潟中越地震におけるボランティア報告と今後の展望. 地理. 2005. 50. 4. 98-103
NONAKA Kenichi, ISHIKAWA Nao, MIYAMURA Haruna. Various Aspects of the Relationships between Humans and Living Things : A Case Study on Caohagan Island, the Philippines. Bulletin of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,Department of Humanities. 2003. 20. 20. 133-143
Books (3):
論文から学ぶ地域調査 = Geographical research methods used in academic papers : 地域について卒論・レポートを書く人のためのガイドブック
ナカニシヤ出版 2022 ISBN:9784779516207
海青社 2013 ISBN:9784860992729
岩波書店 2009 ISBN:9784000271080
Lectures and oral presentations (4):
Challenges of Onsite Visits for Multidisciplinary Education in Graduate School: A Case Study of "Taoyaka Leading Program," Hiroshima University
(Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers 2016)
闘牛から未来館へ : 広がるフィールドと可能性(12月例会,中部支部,例会記録(2013年10月~12月))
(経済地理学年報 2014)
日本における闘牛の文化 : 牛が作る人の縁(第73回(2008年2月15日),例会発表要旨)
(地理科学 2008)
The Social Relations of Bullfighters in the Tokunoshima Island
(日本地理学会発表要旨集 = Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers 2006)
Professional career (1):
- Ph.D. (Environmental Studies) (Nagoya University)
Association Membership(s) (1):
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