J-GLOBAL ID:201801013984745748
Update date: Nov. 27, 2024
Satoru Yamaguchi
ヤマグチ サトル | Satoru Yamaguchi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Principal Researcher
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (2):
Disaster prevention engineering
, Atmospheric and hydrospheric science
Research keywords (5):
, Avalanche
, Mountain meteorology
, falling snow
, glacier
Research theme for competitive and other funds (18):
- 2021 - 2026 Hazard Map based on Numerical snow Avalanche model and Spatio-temporal variation of snow
- 2017 - 2020 Dvelopment of an equilibrium line altitude model to dertermin the transisional mechanism from perennial snow fields to niche glaciers.
- 2015 - 2020 Study of advanced cryosphere monitoring using reflectance properties of snow based on application of new measurement technologies and snow physical models
- 2018 - 2019 Comprehensive Survey of 2018 Kusatsu-Shirane Eruption
- 2016 - 2019 Development of estimation methods of physical quantities of new snow considering cloud microphysical processes using numerical meteorological model
- 2016 - 2019 Development of nondestructive observation method using magnetic resonance imaging and numerical simulation model of preferential flow in dry snowpack.
- 2015 - 2019 Full-scale avalanche experiments and development of hazard map with PCQ
- 2017 - 2018 Investigation of the surface avlanche at Mt. Nasu on 27 March, 2017
- 2014 - 2018 Investigation of darkening process of glaciers and ice sheets
- 2015 - 2016 Comprehensive Survey of 2015 Nepal Earthquake and Resulted Disasters
- 2014 - 2016 Investigation of methods for measuring specific surface area of wet snow
- 2011 - 2016 Effects of snow impurities and glacial microbes on abrupt warming in the Arctic
- 2014 - 2015 Investigations of heavy snowfall disaster in the Kanto-Koshin district on Feburuary 14-16, 2014
- 2011 - 2013 Dependence of snow physical properties on climatic conditions
- 2010 - 2012 ELA reconstruction of the late Pleistocene glaciation in Japan by the coupling of geomorphological interpretation and glacier dynamics
- 2007 - 2010 Impact of shrinking Himalayan glaciers on sea-level rise
- 2006 - 2008 SWE observation and analysis with newly developed rain/snow discriminator in Hokuriku
- 2006 - 2007 Revision of climatic division for Japanese snowy areas based on the new climatic data mesh climatic data of Japan and studies on climatic responses of Japanese snowy areas to recent climatic change
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Papers (159):
Satoru Yamaguchi, Yoichi Ito, Takahiro Tanabe, Koichi Nishimura, Satoru Adachi, Sojiro Sunako, Yoshihiko Saito, Tsubasa Okaze, Hirofumi Niiya, Kae Tsunematsu, et al. Research on avalanches caused by stability of snow cornices developed by blowing snow. 2024
Graham Lewis Gilbert, Dieter Issler, Yoichi Ito, Ryoko Nishii, Satoru Yamaguchi, Hirofumi Niiya, Takahiro Tanabe, Tae-Hyuk Kwon, Enok Cheon, Joon-Young Park, et al. Enhancing resilience to climate-driven geohazards through international collaboration – experience from the GEOMME partnership’s journey in research and education. 2024
Giulia Blandini, Francesco Avanzi, Simone Gabellani, Lorenzo Campo, Giulia Ercolani, Edoardo Cremonese, Marta Galvagno, Umberto Morra di Cella, Satoru Yamaguchi, HIroyuki Hirashima, et al. Snow-model parameter identifiability across space and time. 2024
Satoru YAMAGUCHI, Yoichi ITO, Takahiro TANABE, Kouichi NISHIMURA, Satoru ADACHI, Sojiro SUNAKO, Yoshihiko SAITO, Tsubasa OKAZE, Hirofumi NIIYA, Kae TSUNEMATSU, et al. Co-creation with local governments and ski resorts to generate scientific information that contributes to ski resort avalanche safety management. Bulletin of Glaciological Research. 2024. 42. 9-17
Yoichi ITO, Satoru YAMAGUCHI, Kouichi NISHIMURA. Avalanche hazard mapping in Langtang, Nepal. Bulletin of Glaciological Research. 2024. 42. 1-8
MISC (521):
本吉弘岐, 中井専人, 山口悟, 砂子宗次朗, 上石勲, 中村一樹, 山下克也. 雲解像モデルの降水量出力でみた2022年12月の新潟県の大雪. 雪氷研究大会 (2023・郡山)講演要旨集. 2023. 107-107
山口 悟. 安全で快適な冬の生活を目指して 観測・予測技術の高度化による雪氷災害レジリエンス向上研究. 防災科研ニュース. 2023. 221. 15-15
荒川逸人, 小南靖弘, 渡辺伸一, 山口悟. 2022/2023年冬期の日本各地における積雪深の変化. 雪氷. 2023. 85. 4
山口 悟, 諸橋 和行, 竹内 祐貴, 山倉 祐也, 砂子 宗次朗, 山下 克也, 齋藤 隆幸. IoTを活用した冬期道路管理業務効率化プロジェクト-Project to improve the efficiency of winter road management operations using IoT. 日本雪工学会誌 = Snow engineering of Japan. 2022. 38. 3. 108-112
上石 勲, 山口 悟, 砂子 宗次朗. 最近の降積雪状況と雪氷災害 : 集中的な降雪、雪氷災害の拡大と多様化-特集 気候変動と雪対策 ; 研究・調査機関の課題と取組. ゆき / 雪センター 編. 2022. 126. 60-64
Lectures and oral presentations (350):
Utilization of Snow and Ice Disaster Prevention Information created by National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED), Japan
(International Symposium on Data Science (DSWS-2023) 2023)
(雪氷研究大会(2023・郡山) 2023)
雲解像モデルの降水量出力でみた2022 年12 月の新潟県の大雪
(雪氷研究大会(2023・郡山) 2023)
北西グリーンランド氷床上SIGMA-A サイトにおける雪氷・気象観測研究の新展開に向けて
(雪氷研究大会(2023・郡山) 2023)
滑り手が好むパウダースノーの条件とは? -ニセコ・パウダースノーPJ-
(雪氷研究大会(2023・郡山) 2023)
Work history (6):
- 2023/04 - 現在 National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster resilience Snow and Ice research Center Principal Researcher
- 2020/01 - 2023/03 National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience Snow aid Ice Research Center Principal Researcher
- 2015/04 - 2019/12 National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience Snow and Ice Research Center Researcher
- 2007/07 - 2015/03 National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention Snow and Ice Research Center
- 2004/04 - 2007/06 National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention Snow and Ice Research Center Researcher
- 2002/04 - 2004/03 National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention Snow and Ice Research Center Resercher
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Awards (3):
- 2023/06 - 日本雪氷学会 北信越支部 大沼賞 湿雪の水分移動と比表面積の測定に基づく積雪微細構造に関する先駆的研究
- 2012/10 - Japanese Society of snow and Ice Hirata award a study of water movement in snow cover under unsaturated condition
- 2010/05 - Hokushinetsu Branch of Japanese Society of snow and Ice Incentive award A study of fluctuation of snow cover in Japanese mountain areas based on observation data
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