J-GLOBAL ID:201801014169672562
Update date: Sep. 28, 2024
Ichihara Yu
Ichihara Yu
Research field (1):
Conservation science (plants)
Papers (21):
ICHIHARA Yu, TORII Masato, AIKAWA Takuya, HATTORI Tsutomu. Occurrence of sap rot caused by Fomitiporia punctata on stems of Thujopsis dolabrata var. hondae. FOREST PESTS. 2022. 171. 5. 131-138
Masato Torii, Yu Ichihara, Hayato Masuya, Tsutomu Hattori. Trunk sap rot of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) caused by Fomitiporella sinica. Journal of Forest Research. 2022. 1-7
Takuya Aikawa, Noritoshi Maehara, Yu Ichihara, Hayato Masuya, Katsunori Nakamura, Hisashi Anbutsu. Cytoplasmic incompatibility in the semivoltine longicorn beetle Acalolepta fraudatrix (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) double infected with Wolbachia. PloS one. 2022. 17. 1. e0261928
ICHIHARA Yu, HATTORI Tsutomu, MATSUNAGA Koji, TAKAHASHI S. Yukiko. A Survey of Trunk Rots in Stem Breakage Trees by Strong Winds in a Cryptomeria japonica Plantation. FOREST PESTS. 2021. 170. 4. 91-97
Hayato Masuya, Masanobu Tabata, Yu Ichihara, Koji Kageyama. Phytophthora cinnamomi threaten lacquer tree plantation in Japan. Journal of the Japanese Forest Society. 2019. 101. 6. 318-321
MISC (19):
Ichihara Yu, Masuya Hayato. An inoculation test of three Phytophthora species collected in Japan on the stems of potted saplings of 23 tree species. The Japanese Forest Society Congress. 2020. 131. 220-220
市原優, 櫃間岳, 相川拓也, 升屋勇人. ヒバ天然更新林におけるヒバ漏脂病の発病に与える間伐強度の影響. 日本森林学会大会学術講演集(CD-ROM). 2019. 130
Hayato Masuya, Yu Ichihara, Takuya Aikawa, Yukiko Takahashi, Takanori Kubono. Predicted potential distribution of Sydowia japonica in Japan. Mycoscience. 2018. 60. 0
Ichihara Yu, Oohara Hideki, Masuya Hayato. Damping-off of seedlings in Sciadopitys verticillata forest. The Japanese Forest Society Congress. 2016. 127. 0
升屋勇人, 市原優, 石原誠, 山口岳広, 神崎菜摘. ニレ類立枯病菌の日本産菌株における病原力比較. 日本森林学会大会学術講演集(CD-ROM). 2013. 124th. 231-681
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