J-GLOBAL ID:201801015072320056
Update date: Sep. 29, 2024
Nishijima Yoshiaki
ニシジマ ヨシアキ | Nishijima Yoshiaki
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate Professor
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Research keywords (4):
, ナノテクノロジー
, 材料科学
, プラズモニクス
Research theme for competitive and other funds (10):
- 2022 - 2027 Development of a plattform technology for distributed fiber-optic chemical sensor devices
- 2022 - 2024 光-分子結合場で実現する光の鼻P-Nose
- 2020 - 2023 プラズモン光吸収体の散乱評価と真の完全吸収構造の探求
- 2019 - 2022 Development of a fiber-optic sensor system for distributed chemical sensing
- 2016 - 2021 High-performance nanolaser biosensor with an ion-sensitivity
- 2016 - 2019 construction of photo-thermal energy conversion system via plasmonics and fractal anti-reflection surfaces
- 2012 - 2017 Ultra-sensitive bio-marker sensor based on ultimate light localization in nanoslot laser
- 2013 - 2015 Exploring the base metal alloys for plasmonics applications
- 2012 - 2012 バイオマーカー検出のための超高感度ナノレーザセンサ
- 2008 - 2009 フォトニック結晶を用いた新規光化学デバイスの作製およびその評価
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Papers (116):
Nishijima Yoshiaki, Juodkazis Saulius. Control of Vibration-Metasurface Coupling at the Mid-Infrared Spectral Window for Inorganic Thermal Emitters. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan. 2022. 95. 9. 1411-1418
Nishijima Yoshiaki, Juodkazis Saulius. The Tunable Coupling between Metasurface and Molecular Vibration towards the Platform of Spectral Analysis. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan. 2022. 95. 9. 1318-1324
NOSE Takahiro, NISHIJIMA Yoshiaki. Design and Evaluation of Tesla Valve for Microfluidic Applications. BUNSEKI KAGAKU. 2022. 71. 7.8. 417-423
S. Kimura, Y. Takeshima, Y. Nishijima. Construction of infrared devices using absorption meta-surface. The Japan Society of Infrared Science and Technology. 2022. 32. 1. 66-71
J. Hu, M. Han, L. Grineviciute, S. H. Ng, V. Anand, T. Katkus, M. Ryu, J. Morikawa, M. J. Tobin, J. Vongsvivut, et al. Anisotropic 3D columnar micro-film coating for applications in infrared and visible spectral ranges. Applied surface science. 2022. 590. 152910
MISC (46):
Jovan Maksimovic, Jingwen Hu, Soon Hock Ng, Tomas Katkus, Gediminas Seniutinas, Tatiana Pinedo Rivera, Michael Stuiber, Yoshiaki Nishijima, Sajeev John, Saulius Juodkazis. Beyond Lambertian light trapping for large-area silicon solar cells: fabrication methods. 2021
Takuhiro Kumagai, Naoki To, Armandas Balcytis, Gediminas Seniutinas, Saulius Juodkazis, Yoshiaki Nishijima. Lithography-free Kirchhoff's Metasurfaces. 2020
西島喜明, 藤原英樹, KHURGIN Jacob B, ROSA Lorenzo, JUODKAZIS Saulius. 周期/ランダム配列におけるプラズモン共鳴とラマン特性. 応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM). 2013. 60th. ROMBUNNO.29A-PA3-8
NISHIJIMA Yoshiaki. Recent Advance in Sensing Technology with Photonics. 2012. 452. 439-444
竹田祥平, WANG Li, 西島喜明, 上野貢生, 三澤弘明, 玉井尚登. 金ナノ構造体の低温における過渡吸収分光とコヒーレント音響フォノンダイナミクス. 日本化学会講演予稿集. 2012. 92nd. 2
Books (1):
技術情報協会 2022 ISBN:9784861048760
Lectures and oral presentations (20):
Mid Infrared Metasurfaces
(the 10th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics 2019)
(レーザー学会年次大会 2019)
Sub-micron plasmonic metasurfaces for mid infrared sensing application
(CLEO-PR2018 2018)
Plasmonic components towards photonic-nose
(META 2018, the 9th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics 2018)
Alloy materials for plasmonics nanoparticles
(Proceedings of NFO-14 論文番号:Tu-9P-41 2016)
Professional career (1):
- Doctor of Information Science (Hokkaido University)
Work history (10):
- 2018/04/01 - 現在 Yokohama National University Graduate school of Engineering Science Department of Mathematics, Physics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Associate Professor
- 2013/04/01 - 現在 Yokohama National University Graduate School of Engineering Department o Physics, Electrical and Computer Engineering Associate Professor
- 2013/04/01 - 現在 Yokohama National University College of Engineering Science Department of Mathematics, Physics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Associate Professor
- 2013/04/01 - 現在 Yokohama National University Faculty of Engineering Division of Intelligent Systems Engineering Associate Professor
- 2011/04/01 - 2013/03/31 Yokohama National University Graduate School of Engineering Department o Physics, Electrical and Computer Engineering Assistant Professor
- 2011/04/01 - 2013/03/31 Yokohama National University College of Engineering Science Department of Mathematics, Physics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Assistant Professor
- 2011/04/01 - 2013/03/31 Yokohama National University Faculty of Engineering Division of Intelligent Systems Engineering Assistant Professor
- 2010/04 - 2011/03 Hokkaido University Research Institute for Electronic Science
- 2009/03 - 2010/03 日本学術振興会 日本学術振興会特別研究員
- 2009/03 - 2010/03 日本学術振興会特別研究員(PD)
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Awards (10):
- 2022/03 - 田中貴金属記念財団 田中貴金属記念財団 奨励賞
- 2022/03 - 田中貴金属記念財団奨励賞
- 2021/04 - 文部科学省 文科大臣表彰若手研究者賞 プラズモン誘起光エネル ギー変換に関する研究
- 2021/04 - 文部科学大臣表彰若手科学者賞
- 2021/03 - 田中貴金属財団 田中貴金属財団「奨励賞」
- 2021/03 - 田中貴金属記念財団奨励賞
- 2020/08 - 公益社団法人日本分析化学会 2020年度 日本分析化学会奨励賞 高感度気体センシング技術のための中赤外プラズモニクスデバイスの構築
- 2020/08 - 日本分析化学会奨励賞
- 2020/03 - 田中貴金属財団 田中貴金属財団「萌芽賞」 「金パラジウム合金の水素過剰暴露応答と水素センサ応用」
- 2020 - 応用物理学会 応用物理学会「ポスター賞」
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