J-GLOBAL ID:201801015141073953
Update date: Apr. 10, 2024
Takenaka Kentaro
タケナカ ケンタロウ | Takenaka Kentaro
Affiliation and department:
Research field (2):
Sports science
, Physical and health education
Research keywords (4):
, 指導法
, 武道
, 剣道
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
- 2019 - 2022 How to improve the movement of the foot focusing on the sound at the time to damage the heel part of stepping in kendo.
- 2016 - 2018 Clarifying the visual skills of Kendo expert during the competition -Does "Enzan no Metsuke" exist?-
- 2012 - 2014 Research into coaching method for kendo-novice in Budo education as a compulsory subject: Investigation of the coaching process in basic motion.
Papers (28):
Eiji FUJITA, Kentaro TAKENAKA, Mika SHIMOKAWA, Kengo YOTANI, Yuji OZAWA, Isamu NAKAMURA, Ryousuke OZAKI, Shigeki MAESAKA. Effects of full-force pedaling exercise on deep body temperature and exerted power while wearing kendo-gu with a mask and face shield in a hot and humid environment. 2023
Moe Abiru, Hirofumi Kintaka, Kentaro Takenaka, Mika Shimokawa. Exploring the physical knowledge of “debana men” as the opponent enters the one-foot-one-sword distance: a nostalgic comparison of motor movements and motor awareness pre- and post-mastery. 2023. 15. 235-245
Goichiro Yoshida, Akira Tokumaru, Shigeki Maesaka, Kentaro Takenaka, Mika Shimokawa, Akiyo Higashionna, Takahide Matsumoto, Yutaka Yoshitake. Water balance in Japanese male kendo college athletes during training: a pilot study assessing seasonal differences with adjusted energy expenditure. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness. 2022. 63. 5. 609-616
竹中健太郎, 下川美佳, 前阪茂樹. 剣道の足構えについての検討-左足踵離床と着床時における下肢動作の反応時間に着目して-. スポーツパフォーマンス研究. 2019. 11. 1836. 142-151
Kentaro Takenaka, Mika Shimokawa. An Exploration of How to Correct the Babitd Among Kendo Practitioners of‘Chin-raising’ when Striking. KENDO world. 2019. 8. 5. 77-81
MISC (2):
Characteristics of choice reaction time and striking movement time among top level collegiate kendo player. 2016. 4. 49-56
前阪 茂樹, 竹中 健太郎, 下川 美佳. 重点プロジェクト事業報告 武道課程を持つ体育大学としての社会貢献 〜「鹿屋杯」全国高等学校選抜剣道錬成大会の開催を通じて〜. 鹿屋体育大学学術研究紀要. 2009. 39. 47-52
Books (2):
市村出版 2018
デザインエッグ株式会社 2018
Lectures and oral presentations (21):
(日本武道学会 2018)
Contribution of body segments to striking veiocity in kendo
(日本武道学会第50回大会 国際武道会議 2017)
The Difference Between Strike Sound,Step-in Sound,and Combinations of These Sounds in Kendo -Form Trials by a Female University Kendo Athlete-
(日本武道学会第50回大会 国際武道会議 2017)
(九州スポーツ心理学会第30回大会 2017)
Education (2):
- - 2017 National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya Graduate Division of Physical Education
- - 1995 University of Tsukuba School of Health and Physical Education
Professional career (1):
Work history (5):
- 2024/04 - 現在 鹿屋体育大学 学長補佐(競技力向上担当)
- 2021/05 - 現在 鹿屋体育大学 教授
- 2010/04 - 2021/04 National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya College of Physical Education
- 2008/04 - 2010/03 National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya College of Physical Education
- 1996/04 - 2008/03 鳥取県立八頭高等学校 教諭
Awards (7):
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 日本武道学会剣道専門分科会
, コーチング学会
, 日本パフォーマンス学会
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