J-GLOBAL ID:201801015879566024
Update date: Aug. 26, 2023
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field (1):
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
- 2021 - 2022 抗CTGFモノクローナル抗体による食道狭窄予防
- 2018 - 2020 抗凝固薬継続症例とヘパリン置換症例の 内視鏡的大腸ポリープ摘除術後出血割合に関する検討
- 2018 - 2019 広範囲食道粘膜下層剥離術切除後のポリグルコール酸(PGA)シート貼付とステロイド局所注射併用療法の狭窄予防効果に関する研究
- 2016 - 2017 ポリグルコール酸(PGA)シートとフィブリン糊を用いた消化管穿孔に対する有用性試験
- 2013 - 2014 NBI内視鏡による食道癌サーベイランスシステム
Papers (167):
Kosaka S, Tanaka F, Nakata A, Nadatani Y, Fukunaga S, Otani K, Hosomi S, Kamata N, Nagami Y, Taira K, et al. Gastrointestinal IgG4 Deposition Is a New Histopathological Feature of Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis. Digestive diseases and sciences. 2022. 67. 8. 3639-3648
Taro Iwatsubo, Toshihisa Takeuchi, Akitoshi Hakoda, Yasuhiro Fujiwara, Yasuaki Nagami, Yuji Naito, Osamu Dohi, Tetsuya Tatsuta, Manabu Sawaya, Xiaoyi Jin, et al. Correction to: Effectiveness of second-look endoscopy after gastric endoscopic submucosal dissection in patients taking antithrombotic agents: a multicenter propensity score matching analysis. Gastric cancer : official journal of the International Gastric Cancer Association and the Japanese Gastric Cancer Association. 2022. 25. 5. 927-928
Otani K, Shimada S, Watanabe T, Nadatani Y, Higashimori A, Ominami M, Fukunaga S, Hosomi S, Kamata N, Tanaka F, et al. Long-term rebleeding rate and predictive factors of rebleeding after capsule endoscopy in patients with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding. Gastrointestinal endoscopy. 2022
Maruyama H, Nagami Y, Fujiwara Y. Successful diagnosis using a precutting method for intra-ampullary carcinoma of Vater. Digestive endoscopy : official journal of the Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society. 2022. 34. 5. e94-e95
Hirano S, Nagami Y, Yamamura M, Tanoue K, Sakai T, Maruyama H, Ominami M, Nadatani Y, Fukunaga S, Otani K, et al. Evaluation of long-term survival in patients with severe comorbidities after endoscopic submucosal dissection for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Surgical endoscopy. 2022. 36. 7. 5011-5022
MISC (58):
永見 康明, 大南 雅揮, 藤原 靖弘. 食道ESD困難症例に対する対策. Gastroenterological Endoscopy. 2022. 64. 2. 181-194
Kono Mitsuhiro, Nagami Yasuaki, Fujiwara Yasuhiro. 食道内視鏡的粘膜下層剥離術後の狭窄予防のための、微細内視鏡を使用したポリグリコール酸シートのより簡単な接着法(Easier attachment technique of polyglycolic acid sheet using thin-endoscope for prevention of stricture after esophageal endoscopic submucosal dissection). Digestive Endoscopy. 2021. 33. 6. e114-e116
Kono Mitsuhiro, Fukunaga Shusei, Nagami Yasuaki, Fujiwara Yasuhiro. Early Colon Cancer That Changed Its Morphology Twice. Internal Medicine. 2020. 59. 22. 2961-2962
Nagami Yasuaki, Ominami Masaki, Fujiwara Yasuhiro. Safe technique of steroid injection utilizing submersion in saline to prevent stricture after esophageal endoscopic submucosal dissection(和訳中). John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd Digestive Endoscopy. 2020. 32. 7. e169-e170
Hirano Shinji, Nagami Yasuaki, Sakai Taishi, Kakiya Yuki, Tanoue Kojiro, Hayashi Kappei, Sawada Akinari, Maruyama Hirotsugu, Ominami Masaki, Fukunaga Shusei, et al. THE EFFECT OF PIRFENIDONE FOR ESOPHAGEAL STRICTURE AFTER CIRCUMFEREENTIAL ESOPHAGEAL ENDOSCOPIC SUBMUCOSAL DISSECTION IN A PORCINE MODEL. GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY. 2020. 91. 6. AB420-AB420
Lectures and oral presentations (250):
除菌療法が奏功せずESDで一括切除したHelicobacter pylori陰性直腸MALTリンパ腫の一例
(日本消化器内視鏡学会近畿支部例会プログラム・抄録集 2022)
(日本消化器内視鏡学会近畿支部例会プログラム・抄録集 2022)
(日本消化器内視鏡学会近畿支部例会プログラム・抄録集 2022)
「消化管腫瘍性病変に対する内視鏡診断の進歩(上部・下部)」 食道胃接合部癌における扁平上皮下進展の術前診断能の検討
(日本消化器内視鏡学会近畿支部例会プログラム・抄録集 2022)
認知行動療法で改善を認めたRumination syndromeの一例
(日本消化器病学会近畿支部例会プログラム・抄録集 2022)
Professional career (1):
Work history (3):
- 2022/04 - 現在 Osaka Metropolitan University School of Medicine Department of Medical Science Associate Professor
- 2019/04 - 現在 Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine Clinical Medicine Course Associate Professor
- 2015/01 - 2019/03 Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine Clinical Medicine Course Lecturer
Awards (5):
- 2020/05 - Digestive Endoscopy Best reviewer award
- 2019/05 - Digestive Endoscopy Best reviewer award
- 2014/03 - 平成26年度大阪市立大学医学部長賞優秀賞
- 2014/02 - 平成26年度日本消化管学会学会賞最優秀賞
- 2013/10 - UEGW2013 Travel grant
Association Membership(s) (7):
, 日本胃癌学会
, 日本消化管学会
, 日本消化器病学会
, 日本消化器内視鏡学会
, 日本内科学会
, The American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
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