J-GLOBAL ID:201801015986286700
Update date: Sep. 22, 2022
Matuno Tomoaki
Matuno Tomoaki
Affiliation and department:
MISC (16):
松野 智章. 初音ミクと考える「宗教学」 : 初音ミクと神道の近似性. 春秋. 2013. 547. 5-8
松野 智章. 大正大学に於ける西洋哲学研究の意義 : 草創期の問題意識と今日の課題 (近代日本の「宗門系大学」における僧侶養成と学術研究に関する実証研究). 大正大学綜合佛教研究所年報. 2012. 34. 121-123
松野 智章. "in the beginning was the deed from the language game : For the constructing theory in the science of religion. 大正大学大学院研究論集. 2012. 36. 99-107
MATSUNO Tomoaki. The Possibility of Linguistic Religious Constructivism : From the View of R. Brandom's Singular Terms(Section 3,THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEVENTIETH ANNUAL CONVENTION OF THE JAPANESE ASSOCIATION FOR RELIGIOUS STUDIES). Journal of religious studies. 2012. 85. 4. 1102-1103
MATSUNO Tomoaki. Adventures in Neuroscience : Thought Experiments and the Potential of the Philosophy of Religion(The Philosophy of Religion Today: Confronting the Wave of Anti-essentialism,Panels,THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIXTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL CONVENTION OF THE JAPANESE ASSOC. Journal of religious studies. 2010. 83. 4. 1192-1193
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