J-GLOBAL ID:201801016027226584   Update date: Sep. 17, 2024

Kokubu Yoko

コクブ ヨウコ | Kokubu Yoko
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (1): Analytical chemistry
Research keywords  (6): プルトニウム ,  放射性炭素 ,  TIMS ,  ICP-MS ,  AMS ,  質量分析
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (12):
  • 2023 - 2024 加速器質量分析計による高精度・高確度14C測定のための技術交流
  • 2015 - 2019 多種の長寿命放射性核種を超高感度で検出可能な加速器質量分析法の開発
  • 2015 - 2019 放射性炭素で解き明かす下層土壌における炭素ダイナミクスの実態と環境変化応答
  • 2015 - 2018 ベリリウム-10 による西南日本弧第四紀マグマにおける物質循環の解明
  • 2016 - 2017 モンゴルの湖沼堆積物から読み解くアジア中緯度域の気候変動と太陽活動変動の関わりと文明の盛衰
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Papers (63):
  • Kokubu Yoko, Fujita Natsuko, Watanabe Takahiro, Matsubara Akihiro, Ishizaka Chika, Miyake Masayasu*, Nishio Tomohiro*, Kato Motohisa*, Ogawa Yumi*, Ishii Masahiro*, et al. Status report of JAEA-AMS-TONO; Research and technical development in the last four years. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B. 2023. 539. 68-72
  • Nara Fumiko*, Watanabe Takahiro, Kokubu Yoko, Zhu L.*. $^{10}$Be analysis of the rock samples from the northeastern shore of Lake Pumoyum Co in south Tibetan Plateau. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B. 2023. 539. 28-32
  • Fujita Natsuko, Matsubara Akihiro, Kimura Kenji, Jinno Satoshi, Kokubu Yoko. Project for development of a downsized AMS system based on the surface stripper technique. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B. 2022. 532. 13-18
  • Fujita Natsuko, Miyake Masayasu*, Matsubara Akihiro, Kokubu Yoko, Klein M.*, Scognamiglio G.*, Mous D. J. W.*, Columna E. L.*, Shimada Akiomi, Ishimaru Tsuneari. The New 300 kV multi-element AMS system at the TONO Geoscience Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B. 2022. 533. 91-95
  • Takehiro Mitsuguchi, Keiji Minakata, Kaoru Sugihara, Masanori Hiraoka, Masa-aki Yoshida, Yoko Saito-Kokubu. Mineral phase analysis of various marine-species shells and skeletons collected in Japan: Implications for marine biominerals. 2022
MISC (100):
  • Takeuchi Ryuji, Kokubu Yoko, Nishio Kazuhisa*. Results of groundwater pressure and hydro-chemical monitoring as part of environmental monitoring investigation in backfilling of shafts and tunnels of Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (2022). JAEA-Data/Code 2023-014. 2024. 118
  • Takeuchi Ryuji, Nishio Kazuhisa*, Kokubu Yoko. Results of environmental impact investigations as part of environmental monitoring investigation in backfilling of shafts and tunnels of Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (2022). JAEA-Data/Code 2023-013. 2024. 74
  • Takeuchi Ryuji, Mikake Shinichiro, Ikeda Koki, Nishio Kazuhisa*, Kokubu Yoko, Hanamuro Takahiro. Report of backfilling and restoration works in the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory. JAEA-Review 2023-007. 2023. 114
  • Takeuchi Ryuji, Nishio Kazuhisa*, Hanamuro Takahiro, Kokubu Yoko. Results of environmental impact investigations as part of environmental monitoring investigation in backfilling of shafts and tunnels of Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (2020-2021). JAEA-Data/Code 2022-010. 2023. 110
  • Matsubara Akihiro*, Fujita Natsuko, Miyake Masayasu, Ishii Masahiro*, Watanabe Takahiro, Kokubu Yoko, Nishio Tomohiro*, Ogawa Yumi, Jinno Satoshi, Kimura Kenji, et al. Present status of the JAEA-AMS-TONO (2021). JAEA-Conf 2022-002. 2023. 55-62
Patents (4):
  • 負イオン源及び負イオン生成方法
  • 負イオン源及び負イオン生成方法
  • 負イオン源及び負イオン生成方法
  • 負イオン源及び負イオン生成方法
Books (4):
  • 放射化学の事典
    朝倉書店 2015
  • Geochronology
    InTech 2014
  • レアメタル便覧
    丸善出版 2011
  • 実用ガンマ線測定ハンドブック
    日刊工業新聞社 2002
Lectures and oral presentations  (114):
  • None
  • Pit excavation and radiocarbon dating in the middle part of the Atera fault zone
  • AMS-$^{14}$C measurement of 670-year-old giant Japanese cedar - 1871-2020 CE
    (9th East Asia Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Symposium (EA-AMS 9))
  • Soil carbon dynamics revealed by radiocarbon
  • Estimating the age of heterotrophic respiration and its influence factors using radiocarbon
Professional career (1):
  • 博士(理学) (大阪市立大学大学院)
Awards (4):
  • 2018/03 - 日本原子力学会 日本原子力学会奨励賞 地層処分に影響を与えると考えられる自然現象を対象とした年代測定法の整備
  • 2009/09 - 日本放射化学会 日本放射化学会2009年奨励賞 環境試料中の極微量核物質の同位体比分析に関する研究
  • 2007/04 - 日本原子力学会北関東支部 日本原子力学会北関東支部最優秀発表賞 長崎原爆由来のプルトニウムとセシウム-137に関する研究 -過去60年間の西山貯水池堆積物への蓄積と現在の土壌表層平面分布-
  • 2004/03 - 日本原子力学会 第36回日本原子力学会賞技術開発賞 保障措置環境試料のための微量分析技術の開発
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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