J-GLOBAL ID:201801016541647882
Update date: Jan. 23, 2024
sono yamasaki
ヤマサキ ソノ | sono yamasaki
Affiliation and department:
MISC (21):
A Study of the Current Situation of University Reform Efforts at Private Universities in Japan : Qualitative Analysis of Interview Data following the Questionnaire Survey entitled "The Efficiency of University Management". 2020. 24. 197-208
伊多波 良雄, 太田 浩, 山﨑 その, 宮嶋 恒二. An Analysis of University Reform Using Analytic Hierarchy Process. 経済学論叢. 2018. 70. 1. 1-33
伊多波 良雄, 山﨑 その, 宮嶋 恒二. An Improvement Method for University Management Using DEA-Based Benchmarking. 経済学論叢. 2017. 68. 4. 513-539
伊多波 良雄, 山﨑 その, 宮嶋 恒二. The Establishment of Attached Schools and the Management of Universities. 経済学論叢. 2016. 68. 2. 197-230
伊多波 良雄, 山﨑 その, 宮嶋 恒二. An Analysis of University Management by Using DEA-based Malmquist Productivity Index : Results of a Questionnaire Survey Entitled "The Efficiency of University Management". 経済学論叢. 2016. 68. 1. 1-28
Books (2):
これからの大学経営-ガバ ナンス、マネジメント、リ ーダーシップ-
大学経営の評価システム- 手法の開発とマネジメント への応用
Professional career (1):
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