J-GLOBAL ID:201801017433299211
Update date: Sep. 28, 2022
MISC (6):
岡村 與子. Regional Competitive Advantage in Manufacturings In Tokyo Special Wards and Itabashi Ward between 2008 and 2012 : An Application of the Shift-Share Analysis. 環境創造. 2016. 21. 15-39
岡村 與子. Book Review : Blanko Milanovic, Worlds Apart : Measuring International and Global Inequality. 経済研究. 2015. 28. 71-74
OKAMURA Kumiko. Dagum's Gini Coefficient Decompositions and its Extension by Deutsch and Silber : A Illustrative Two Period Numerical Example. 環境創造. 2014. 19. 21-45
岡村 與子. A note on the Dagum decomposition and China's regional inequality. Economic journal. 2010. 94. 251-257
岡村 與子. A Test for the Convergence Hypothesis in Japan and South Korea--Using the Partial Adjustment Model. 経済研究. 2004. 17. 93-104
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