J-GLOBAL ID:201801018391036807
Update date: Dec. 15, 2024
Fongaro Enrico
Fongaro Enrico
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Philosophy and ethics
Research keywords (4):
Intercultural Philosophy
, Japanese Philosophy
, Aesthetics
, Philosophy
Papers (12):
Enrico Fongaro. To "see" an age of crisis - The logos of Self-determination of eternal now at Fukushima. Eastern-Western Studies. 2024. 22. 33-51
Enrico Fongaro. Politics of Translations. De Filosoof. 2024. 90. 10-14
Nishida tra Hegel e buddhismo - Sull’opportunità di una filosofia interculturale. Scenari. 2021. 15. 48-63
Enrico Fongaro. Trans/Formations - Tentative Remarks of the Practice of Kata as Bodily Experience of Time. Transitions - Crossing Boundaries in Japanese Philosophy (Frontiers of Japanese Philosophy 10). 2021. 112-121
Enrico Fongaro. Some problems in Nishida's Philosophy Translation - For example, about "feelings". Annual Report of Tohoku Philosophy Association. 2019. 35. 51-64
MISC (1):
Ryoko Hayashi, Enrico Fongaro. 北イタリアのドイツ語言語島チンブロの歴史と言語文化-チンブロ語文法II-. 国際文化学研究. 2008. 第31号・133-156. 133A-145A
Books (25):
Kitarō Nishida, La dialettica di Hegel vista dalla mia prospettiva
Mimesis 2023 ISBN:9788857590189
Opere di Kitarō Nishida vol. 6 - Dall'agente al vedente
Mimesis 2023 ISBN:9788857586519
Prospettive del contemporaneo. Quattro lezioni di filosofia
CLEUP 2022
Key Concepts in World Philosophies
Bloomsbury 2022
Development and becoming of oriental philosophy. From the point of view of intercultural philosophy
Hosei University Press 2022
Lectures and oral presentations (61):
Encounter at Egen's home - On the necessity of dialogue between religions, philosophy and scientific thought in Kitarō Nishida's work
(Science, Technology, and East Asian Philosophy (4th ISEAP Conference) 2024)
Some Thoughts on Language from an Intercultural Perspective - Between Hegel and Nishida
(35th Conference of Japanese Hegelian Society 2024)
The Nō Theater and the Tragic. Some Reflections from S.Weil and J.L.Nancy
(The Faces of Tragedy between Aesthetics and Interculture 2024)
Dimensions of Translation - The Case of Japan and Italy
(Japanese Religion and Philosophy, and their Translation 2024)
Zen and Scientific Thought in Kitarō Nishida's Philosophy
(Philosophy and Physics Between Europe and Japan (1922-1953) 2023)
Professional career (1):
- 哲学修士(Laureato in filosofia)
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