J-GLOBAL ID:201801018421315757   Update date: May. 31, 2023

Watanabe Tomoko

ワタナベ トモコ | Watanabe Tomoko
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (3): Developmental biology ,  Molecular biology ,  Cell biology
Research keywords  (6): induced pluripotent stem cells ,  regenerative medicine ,  細胞治療 ,  間葉系幹細胞 ,  初期発生 ,  発生・分化
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (3):
  • 2023 - 2026 間葉系幹細胞の骨芽細胞分化モニタリング技術の開発
  • 2019 - 2022 Development of cell isolation technology by elucidating the mechanism of angiogenesis of mesenchymal stem cells
  • 2014 - 2017 Involvement of physical strength of cells for neural-epidermal patterning in vertebrate embryos
Papers (9):
  • Tomoko Watanabe, Hiroaki Tateno. Lectin Blotting of Cell Lysates. Current protocols. 2023. 3. 5. e790
  • Mayu Yasunaga, Tomoko Watanabe, Gen Yano, Kazutoshi Murotomi, Miki Hiramatsu, Motohiro Hirose, Masayuki Kakehata, Hidehiko Yashiro, Atsushi Yamazaki, Atsuo Ito. Zirconia substrate with periodic surface microstructures enhances osteogenic differentiation of rat adipose-derived stem cells. Materials Letters. 2023. 332. 133544-133544
  • Kohei Tsukano, Takayoshi Yamamoto, Tomoko Watanabe, Tatsuo Michiue. Xenopus Dusp6 modulates FGF signaling precisely to pattern pre-placodal ectoderm. Developmental Biology. 2022. 488. 81-90
  • Tomoko Watanabe, Ko Takeda, Keiko Hiemori, Toshikazu Minamisawa, Hiroaki Tateno. A glycosaminoglycan microarray identifies the binding of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein to chondroitin sulfate E. FEBS Letters. 2021. 595. 18. 2341-2349
  • Tomoko Watanabe, Hiroaki Tateno. Elimination of cells deviated from human induced pluripotent stem cells with a photoactivatable IR700-labelled antibody. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2021. 554. 13-18
MISC (1):
  • 渡邊 朋子, 舘野 浩章. 質の悪いヒトiPS細胞の検出・除去技術の開発 : 再生医療実現に向けた細胞の品質管理-Development of Technology for Detection and Removal of Low-quality Human iPS Cells : Quality Control of Human iPS Cells for Regenerative Medicine. 化学と生物 : 日本農芸化学会会誌 : 生命・食・環境 / 日本農芸化学会 編. 2022. 60. 7. 327-333
Education (4):
  • 2015 - 2018 東京大学 大学院総合文化研究科 生命環境科学系 博士課程
  • 2013 - 2015 東京大学 大学院総合文化研究科 生命環境科学系 修士課程
  • 2009 - 2013 Yokohama City University International College of Arts and Sciences
  • 2006 - 2009 雙葉高等学校
Professional career (1):
  • 博士(学術) (東京大学)
Work history (2):
  • 2022/10 - 現在 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
  • 2018/04 - 2022/09 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Association Membership(s) (5):
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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