Research field (5):
Mechanics and mechatronics
, Robotics and intelligent systems
, Intelligent robotics
, Human interfaces and interactions
, Perceptual information processing
Research theme for competitive and other funds (24):
2024 - 2027 Understanding human motor control for complex movements during assistance and its application
2024 - 2027 深層学習とドローンを用いた温室トマトの株毎の生育データモニタリングシステム
2023 - 2027 Creation and Demonstration of a Double Brain (Human Brain + Artificial Brain) Collaborative Human-Augmenting Robot
2003 - 2006 Human Sensory-Motor Integration Theory and Impedance Training Method Based on Muscle Impedance Properties
2003 - 2006 Development of Rehabilitation Mover Utilized KANSEI Effects of Human Micro-motions.
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Papers (141):
Nobuhiko Yamaguchi, Hiroshi Okumura, Osamu Fukuda, Wen Liang Yeoh, Munehiro Tanaka. Estimating Tomato Plant Leaf Area Using Multiple Images from Different Viewing Angles. J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Informatics. 2024. 28. 2. 352-360
Kyohei Yoshida, Wen Liang Yeoh, Hiroshi Okumura, Nobuhiko Yamaguchi, Osamu Fukuda. Human augmentation hand for cooperative solving of dissection puzzle problem. Artif. Life Robotics. 2024. 29. 1. 120-128
Nanami Ishizu, Wen Liang Yeoh, Hiroshi Okumura, Nobuhiko Yamaguchi, Osamu Fukuda. The Effect of AI Accuracy and Type of Feedback on Human Decision Making. SII. 2024. 1314-1319
Yui Ogishi, Wen Liang Yeoh, Fisilmi Azizah Rahman, Hiroshi Okumura, Nobuhiko Yamaguchi, Osamu Fukuda. A Target Following Robot for Navigation Assistance for People with Visual Impairments. SII. 2024. 1302-1307
福元 清剛, 石内 愛美, 中島 弘貴, 能登 裕子, 佐土原 道人, 福田 修, 村木 里志. AGE-RELATED CHANGES IN CROSS-SECTIONAL AREA OF MUSCLES IN THE LOWER EXTREMITIES OF JAPANESE MEN AND WOMEN. 日本生理人類学会誌 = Japanese journal of physiological anthropology. 2018. 23. 3. 87-95
MURAKI Satoshi, LOH Ping Yeap, FUKUDA Osamu, SAITO Seiji, NOTO Hiroko, YAMAMOTO Motoji. 2H1-1 Assistive Devices for Daily Living and Nursing Care of the Elderly. The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics. 2018. 54. 0. 2H1-1-2H1-1
FUKUDA Osamu, MURAKAMI Naoki, YAMAGUCHI Nobuhiko, OKUMURA Hiroshi, MURAKI Satoshi. 2H1-3 Development of impedance mechanism for evaluating human adaptability. The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics. 2018. 54. 0. 2H1-3-2H1-3
Fukuda Osamu, Yoshihara Takuya, Endo Kenji, Ahmed Iqbal, Kohei Arai, Okumura Hiroshi, Yamashita Kenichi. Japanese dairy cattle productivity analysis using Bayesian network model. Proceedings of the Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference. 2017. 60. 0. 50-51
HASHIMOTO Daisuke, FUKUDA Osamu, SOUDA Go. Estimation of Beef Marbling Standard Number Based on Non-invasive Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis. Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers. 2017. 53. 1. 48-55