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Ryusei Ohtani, Jun Yamamoto, Takashi Yanagimoto, Kohsuke Adachi, John R. Bower, Hidefumi A. Fujioka, Miyuki Hirose, Mitsuhiro Nakaya, Satoshi Suzuki, Shun Tokioka. Genetic evidence for multiple mating and mixing of sperm from multiple males in the seminal receptacles of female Japanese flying squid (Todarodes pacificus). JOURNAL OF MOLLUSCAN STUDIES. 2022. 88. 3
Jung-Mo Jung, Yoshiki Matsushita, Miyuki Hirose, Takeshi Sakai, Yohei Kawauchi, Mari Yoda. Catch difference of groundfishes between two survey trawl nets having differing headrope and groundrope configurations in the East China Sea. FISHERIES SCIENCE. 2021. 87. 3. 263-270