Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2024 - 2027 Multi-layer Imaging of the Tongue Mucosa and Computer Vision for the Depiction of Disease Signs
2020 - 2023 ワンショット舌粘膜立体視診査システムの開発
2019 - 2023 Development of disease sign recognition algorithm and high-resolution transformation of in vivo tongue mucosa image applying deep learning technologies
Papers (10):
Ken Yoshimura, Satoko Tsuchida, Naoki Asanuma, Shin-ichi Iwasaki, Shinichi Yamagiwa. Comparative Evaluation of Super-Resolution Processed Image Quality of Lingual Mucosal Images by Generative Adversarial Network. Journal of Hard Tissue Biology. 2024. 33. 4. 219-232
秋山恭子, 古川絵理華, 池田亜紀子, 宮崎晶子, 頭山高子, 江川広子, 土田智子, 金久弥生, 合場千佳子. Research on code of ethics for dental hygienists awareness survey by questionnaire for dental hygienist teachers. 日本歯科衛生教育学会雑誌. 2022. 13. 2. 103-103
宮崎晶子, 佐藤治美, 三富純子, 土田智子, 宮崎晶子, 佐藤治美, 三富純子, 土田智子, 筒井紀子, 筒井紀子, et al. Effect of different order of use of oral cleaning tools on cleaning effect. 日本歯科衛生学会雑誌. 2022. 17. 1. 34-41