J-GLOBAL ID:201801019542462699
Update date: Jan. 30, 2024
Mikiko Siomi
シオミ ミキコ | Mikiko Siomi
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Affiliation and department:
The University of Tokyo Faculty of Science Department of Biological Sciences
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Detailed information
Job title:
Research field (3):
Molecular biochemistry
, Molecular biology
, Functional biochemistry
Research keywords (5):
, Nuclear transport
, RNA silencing
, RNA processing
, RNA Binding protein
Research theme for competitive and other funds (18):
2019 - 2024 Comprehensive understanding of mechanisms underlying the piRNA pathway
2019 - 2023 Small RNA pathway analysis on C. elegans and the relatives
2018 - 2020 新型線虫C. inopinataのRNAサイレンシング機構の理解への挑戦
2017 - 2020 トランスポゾン侵略から生殖ゲノムをまもるpiRNA作動原理の統合的理解
2015 - 2019 Support activities to promote international collaboration to accomplish the research on noncoding RNA neo-taxonomy
2014 - 2019 Establishment of RNA neo-taxonomy based on ncRNA cellular localizations
2014 - 2018 Elucidation of molecular mechanisms of RNA silencing
2013 - 2018 Elucidation of molecular mechanisms of how piRNAs maintain the germline genome integrity from invasive mobile elements
2013 - 2014 トランスポゾン抑制因子piRNAの生合成機構の解明
2009 - 2014 Argonaute: the core of small RNA effector complex
2009 - 2014 Functional machinery for non-coding RNAs
2007 - 2011 RNAサイレンシングが司る遺伝子情報制御
2007 - 2011 Gene expression regulation mediated by small RNAs
2004 - 2006 Molecular mechanisms of RNAi-related factors involved in gene silencing
2002 - 2006 Regulation of the expression of genome information by RNA-binding proteins
2005 - 2005 脆弱X症候群遺伝子FMR1の解析を通して知る神経機能発現ネットワーク
2003 - 2004 脆弱X遺伝子FMR1と小分子RNAが携わる翻訳制御
2000 - 2000 RNA結合蛋白質の発現異常に伴うヒト遺伝病の分子機能解析
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Papers (4):
Ryo Onishi, Kaoru Sato, Kensaku Murano, Lumi Negishi, Haruhiko Siomi, Mikiko C Siomi. Piwi suppresses transcription of Brahma-dependent transposons via Maelstrom in ovarian somatic cells. Science advances. 2020. 6. 50
Osumi, K, Sato, K, Murano, K, Siomi, H, Siomi, M. Essential roles of Windei and nuclear monoubiquitination of Eggless/SETDB1 in transposon silencing. EMBO Rep. 2019. e48296.
Kensaku Murano, Yuka W Iwasaki, Hirotsugu Ishizu, Akane Mashiko, Aoi Shibuya, Shu Kondo, Shungo Adachi, Saori Suzuki, Kuniaki Saito, Tohru Natsume, et al. Nuclear RNA export factor variant initiates piRNA-guided co-transcriptional silencing. The EMBO journal. 2019. 38. 17. e102870
Yuka W. Iwasaki, Kensaku Murano, Hirotsugu Ishizu, Aoi Shibuya, Yumiko Iyoda, Mikiko C. Siomi, Haruhiko Siomi, Kuniaki Saito. Piwi Modulates Chromatin Accessibility by Regulating Multiple Factors Including Histone H1 to Repress Transposons. MOLECULAR CELL. 2016. 63. 3. 408-419
MISC (11):
Yoshinori Kawamura, Kuniaki Saito, Taishin Kin, Yukiteru Ono, Kiyoshi Asai, Takafumi Sunohara, Tomoko N. Okada, Mikiko C. Siomi, Haruhiko Siomi. Drosophila endogenous small RNAs bind to Argonaute 2 in somatic cells. NATURE. 2008. 453. 7196. 793-U5
Asuka Azuma-Mukai, Hideo Oguri, Toutai Mituyama, Zhi Rong Qian, Kiyoshi Asai, Haruhiko Siomi, Mikiko C. Siomi. Characterization of endogenous human Argonautes and their miRNA partners in RNA silencing. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 2008. 105. 23. 7964-7969
Kazumichi M. Nishida, Kuniaki Saito, Tomoko Mori, Yoshinori Kawamura, Tomoko Nagami-Okada, Sachi Inagaki, Haruhiko Siomi, Mikiko C. Siomi. Gene silencing mechanisms mediated by Aubergine-piRNA complexes in Drosophila male gonad. RNA-A PUBLICATION OF THE RNA SOCIETY. 2007. 13. 11. 1911-1922
Kuniaki Saito, Yuriko Sakaguchi, Takeo Suzuki, Tsutomu Suzuki, Haruhiko Siomi, Mikiko C. Siomi. Pimet, the Drosophila homolog of HEN1, mediates 2 '-O-methylation of PIWI-interacting RNAs at their 3 ' ends. GENES & DEVELOPMENT. 2007. 21. 13. 1603-1608
Lalith S. Gunawardane, Kuniaki Saito, Kazumichi M. Nishida, Keita Miyoshi, Yoshinori Kawamura, Tomoko Nagami, Haruhiko Siomi, Mikiko C. Siomi. A slicer-mediated mechanism for repeat-associated siRNA 5 ' end formation in Drosophila. SCIENCE. 2007. 315. 5818. 1587-1590
Education (4):
Gifu University
Gifu University
Kyoto University
Professional career (2):
Doctor of Agriculture
博士(医学) (徳島大学)
Work history (17):
2008 - 慶応義塾大学医学部准教授
2001 - The University of Tokushima
2001 - The Univ. of Tokushima Inst. of Genome Research
2000 - The Univ. of Tokushima Inst. of Genome Research
2000 - The University of Tokushima
1999 - The Univ. of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Post. doc.
1999 - ペンシルバニア大学医学部生物物理学科研究員
1997 - 科学技術振興事業団若手研究者長期在外研究員
1997 - JST Over Sea long term Researcher
1994 - ペンシルバニア大学ハワードヒューズ医学研究所研究員
1994 - The University of Pennsylvania Haward Hughes Medical
1990 - ペンシルバニア大学ハワードヒューズ医学研究所研究補佐員
1990 - The University of Pennsylvania Haward Hughes Medical
Institute. Post. doc.
Inst. Research Assistant
Assistant Professor.
Associate Professor
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Awards (4):
2. 三菱財団研究助成授与(2000)
2. Mitubishi Foundation Research Award for 2000
1. FRAXA Foundation Award for 1999
1. FRAXA Foundation Award for 1999
Association Membership(s) (4):
, The RNA Society of Japan
, 日本RNA学会
, The Molecular Biology Society of Japan
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