J-GLOBAL ID:201801019586847539
Update date: Feb. 18, 2023
Research field (1):
Biological, health, and medical informatics
Research keywords (3):
, バイオインフォマティクス
, システム生物学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
2004 - 2006 システム生物学実験研究者のための生化学反応系解析シミュレータの設計・開発
2001 - 2003 生物情報学を学ぶ人のためのGUI操作による代謝経路解析シミュレータの開発
Papers (21):
関口達也. システム生物学のための統合解析シミュレータWinBEST-KITの開発. 前橋工科大学研究紀要. 2018. 20. 29-36
Tatsuya Sekiguchi, Masahiro Okamoto. WinBEST-KIT for analyzing multilayered biological systems. Proceedings of the 14th Symposium of Biochemical Systems Theory (BST2015). 2015. 66-67
Tatsuya Sekiguchi, Masahiro Okamoto. WinBEST-KIT for analyzing multilayer and multicellular systems. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Systems Biology, ISB 2011. 2011. 161-166
Mugihito Oshiro, Hideaki Shinto, Yukihiro Tashiro, Noriko Miwa, Tatsuya Sekiguchi, Masahiro Okamoto, Ayaaki Ishizaki, Kenji Sonomoto. Kinetic modeling and sensitivity analysis of xylose metabolism in Lactococcus lactis IO-1. JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING. 2009. 108. 5. 376-384
Hideaki Shinto, Yukihiro Tashiro, Genta Kobayashi, Tatsuya Sekiguchi, Taizo Hanai, Yuki Kuriya, Masahiro Okamoto, Kenji Sonomoto. Kinetic study of substrate dependency for higher butanol production in acetone-butanol-ethanol fermentation. PROCESS BIOCHEMISTRY. 2008. 43. 12. 1452-1461
MISC (3):
花井泰三, 小林元太, 関口達也, 牧幸浩, 園元謙二, 岡本正宏. 微生物工学分野へのバイオインフォマティクス. 生物工学会誌. 2006. 84. 7. 271-274
岡本正宏, 関口達也, 牧幸浩. バイオケミカルニューロン. 計測自動制御学会誌. 1992. 31. 11. 1197-1197
Tatsuya Sekiguchi, Masahiro Okamoto. Practical implementation of “Biochemical switching device”: Threshold-logic Device Capable Short-memory”. 電子情報通信学会秋季大会講演論文集. 1992. 6. 45-45
Patents (1):
Lectures and oral presentations (1):
酵素のはたらき ー知っているようで知らない身近な物質ー
(前橋工科大学公開講座 2016)
Work history (4):
2012/04/01 - 現在 Maebashi Institute of Technology Graduate School
2012/04/01 - 現在 Maebashi Institute of Technology Faculty of Engineering, Department of Life Science and Information
2010/04/01 - 2012/03/31 Maebashi Institute of Technology Faculty of Engineering, Department of Life Science and Information
1997/04/01 - 2010/03/31 Maebashi Institute of Technology Faculty of Engineering, Department of Life Science and Information
Association Membership(s) (1):
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in
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