J-GLOBAL ID:201801020775891369   Update date: May. 21, 2024

Takaya Iwasaki

Takaya Iwasaki
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Senior Research Advisor
Research field  (1): Solid earth science
Research keywords  (5): island arc structure ,  seismic reflection method ,  refraction and wide-angle reflection method ,  crust and uppermantle structure ,  controlled source seismology
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (35):
  • 2015 - 2019 統合波形解析法によるプレート境界構造精密推定とプレート間運動特性の構造要因の解明
  • 2014 - 2019 日本列島の基本構造モデルの構築
  • 2011 - 2014 Integrated seismic experiments with active and passive sources for revealing the crustal structure of the collision / subduction transition zone on the northwestern border of the Izu arc
  • 2011 - 2014 Study on slip property of the slow earthquake source region in the transition zone on the subducting plate interface
  • 2009 - 2014 濃尾地震震源域の総合集中観測
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Papers (153):
  • Tanio ITO, Ken'ichi KANO, Go SATO, Akira FUJIWARA, Toshiki WATANABE, Motonori HIGASHINAKA, Susumu ABE, Shintaro ABE, Noriko TSUMURA, Genjyu YAMAMOTO, et al. Three-dimensional Structure of the Omiya and the Iriyamase Faults and Its Formation Process, the Eastern Margin of the Fujikawa-kako Fault Zone, the Northwestern Border of the Izu Collision Zone, Central Japan: Outcomes of the Multi-line Integrated Seismic Exploration in the Hoshiyama Hills. Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi). 2024
  • Yoshihisa Iio, Satoshi Matsumoto, Yusuke Yamashita, Shin'ichi Sakai, Kazuhide Tomisaka, Masayo Sawada, Takashi Iidaka, Takaya Iwasaki, Megumi Kamizono, Hiroshi Katao, et al. Spatial change in differential stress magnitudes around the source fault before intraplate earthquakes. Geophysical Journal International. 2022. 233. 2. 1279-1295
  • SATO Hiroshi, Abe Susumu, Matsubara Makoto, Ishiyama Tatsuya, Kato Naoko, Kurashimo Eiji, Iwasaki Takaya, Hirata Naoshi. Characterization of the crust and mantle structure beneath the Kanto region, Japan. Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan. 2022. 2022. 4
  • Yoshihisa Iio, Satoshi Matsumoto, Yusuke Yamashita, Shin’ichi Sakai, Kazuhide Tomisaka, Masayo Sawada, Takashi Iidaka, Takaya Iwasaki, Megumi Kamizono, Hiroshi Katao, et al. Stress relaxation arrested the mainshock rupture of the 2016 Central Tottori earthquake. Communications Earth & Environment. 2021. 2. 1
  • Eiji Kurashimo, Takaya Iwasaki, Noriko Tsumura, Takashi Iidaka. The Role of Fluid-Related Heterogeneous Structures in Controlling the Fault Slip Behavior in the Slow-Earthquake Source Region Along the Nankai Subduction Zone, Southwest Japan. Geophysical Research Letters. 2021. 48. 4
MISC (34):
Books (5):
  • 図説 地球科学の事典
  • 平成19年(2007年)新潟県中越沖地震(2007年7月26日,M6.8)
    地震予知連絡会編、「地震予知連絡会40年のあゆみ」,国土地理院 2009
  • Deep geometry and evolution of active reverse faults in northern Japan, in Seismotectonics in Convergent Plate Boundary
    Seismotectonics in Convergent Plate Boundary, Eds. Y. Fujinawa and A. Yoshida, TERRAPUB , Tokyo 2002
  • New features of island arc crust inferred from seismic refraction/wide-angle reflection expeditions in Japan
    Seismotectonics in Convergent Plate Boundary, Eds. Y. Fujinawa and A. Yoshida, TERRAPUB , Tokyo 2002
  • 文部省地震学用語集 地震学編(増訂版)
    日本学術振興会 2000
Lectures and oral presentations  (114):
  • 019年海陸統合地震探査による東北日本弧中部の地殻・上部マントル構造 -III
    (日本地震学会2022年度秋季大会 2022)
  • Seismic structure from the forearc region off Miyagi to the central part of Northern Honshu arc, Japan, revealed by onshore-offshore seismic experiment -II
  • 2019年海陸統合地震探査による東北日本弧中部の地殻・上部マントル構造 -II
    (日本地球惑星科学連合2022大会 2022)
  • 2019年海陸統合地震探査による東北日本弧中部の地殻・上部マントル構造
    (日本地震学会2021年度秋季大会 2021)
  • Seismic structure from the forearc region off Miyagi to the central part of Northern Honshu arc, Japan, revealed by onshore-offshore seismic experiment
Professional career (1):
  • Ph.D. (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (4):
  • 2019/04 - 現在 Association for the Development of Earthquake Prediction Research Division for Earthquake and Disaster Mitigation Senior Research Advisor
  • 1998/04 - 2019/03 The University of Tokyo Earthquake Research Institute Associate Professor
  • 1990/04 - 1998/03 the University of Tokyo Earthquake Research Institute Associate Professor
  • 1982/04 - 1990/03 Hokkaido University Laboratory for Ocean Bottom Seismology, Faculty of Science Research Associate
Association Membership(s) (2):
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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