J-GLOBAL ID:201801021167050404
Update date: Sep. 19, 2022
Miyazaki Yoshimi
Miyazaki Yoshimi
Affiliation and department:
Other affiliations (1):
Papers (5):
宮崎 良美. 「奈良盆地歴史地理データベース」からみえるもの (特集 歴史とGISの接点). 地理. 2014. 59. 9. 21-29,図巻頭2-3
出田 和久, 石崎 研二, 宮崎 良美. An attempt as a WebGIS-Database : In case of the construction of the database of keyhole-shaped mound, zenpoukouenhun, in Nara Basin. 古代学. 2014. 6. 1-11
宮崎 良美. 奈良盆地歴史地理GISデータベースの構築と課題. 古代学. 2009. 1. 55-68
TOMATSURI Yumio, MIYAZAKI Yoshimi. Statistical Analysis of Thematic Maps Used in Human Geography in Japan Today. Map, Journal of the Japan Cartographers Association. 2005. 43. 4. 42-50
宮崎 良美. 石川県南加賀地方出身者の業種特化と同郷団体の変容--大阪府の公衆浴場業者を事例として. 人文地理. 1998. 50. 4. 398-412
Lectures and oral presentations (1):
An analysis on the spatial structure and the change of Saga castle town in the Edo period
(Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers 2016)
Professional career (1):
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