J-GLOBAL ID:201801021267854560
Update date: Jan. 13, 2025
Kurahashi Takahiko
クラハシ タカヒコ | Kurahashi Takahiko
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Homepage URL (2):
Research field (3):
Machine materials and mechanics
, Structural and seismic engineering
, Soft computing
Research keywords (7):
Inverse analysis
, Computational mechanics
, Data science
, Non-destructive testing
, Machine learning
, Topology optimization
, Shape optimization
Research theme for competitive and other funds (14):
- 2022 - 2025 Development of a new small device for hammering test and numerical experiments based on the defect topology identification method
- 2023 - 2025 "Clog-free" microchannel: Elucidation of yeast adsorption mechanism considering surface free energy and pressure
- 2022 - 2023 高精度潮流発電ポテンシャルの算定に向けた新規流れ場推定技術の構築
- 2018 - 2021 Development of oscillation control bearing based on the unsteady topology optimal design analysis
- 2015 - 2018 High accurate flow field estimation analysis based on the Kalman filter FEM for selection of tidal stream power generator locations
- 2014 - 2017 Creation of electromagnetic sensor using the singular fields in joints
- 2013 - 2015 Investigation of Interfacial Delamination Force of Nonlinear Material Joints Based on FEM Using Micro-scale Singular Element
- 2013 - 2014 仮想領域法および有限要素法に基づくはためき平板板周りの流況解析
- 2013 - 2014 仮想領域法を用いたフライス盤加工時における材料表面温度分布の有限要素解析
- 2012 - 2013 異種材料の接合体に対する接着不良部検知のための熱的探傷法に関する研究
- 2011 - 2012 Determination Method of Interface Instability Factor for Two PhaseFlow in Micro Space
- 凍結工法を用いたトンネル掘削時における凍結管周りの制御温度の解析
- マイクロ化学チップの適切な設計に向けた実験およびシミュレーションによる検討
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Papers (106):
Mizuki Ikarashi, Takahiko Kurahashi, Masayuki Kishida. Numerical experiments on density-based topology optimization of two-layer material structure using a modified optimality criteria method. JSIAM Letters. 2024. 16. 121-124
Soma Hirooka, Takahiko Kurahashi, Shigehiro Toyama, Ryota Nonami. Shape optimization of a corrugated wing to improve lift force. JSIAM Letters. 2024. 16. 117-120
Hideto ODA, Takahiko KURAHASHI, Demófilo MALDONADO CORTÉS, Laura PEÑA-PARÀS. Optimization of texture design parameters for reduction of friction coefficient based on design of experiments and the modified acceleration gradient method. Journal of Fluid Science and Technology. 2024. 19. 4. 1-12
Takahiko KURAHASHI, Towa KOIKE, Akihiro TAKEMORI, Masayuki KISHIDA. Void topology identification analysis in structures based on weighted sensitivity method (Study on oscillation control of sensitivity for iteration-axis direction by change of numerical parameters). Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese). 2024. 90. 936. 24-00079
Kazuki YAMAMOTO, Takahiko KURAHASHI, Yuki MURAKAMI, Fujio IKEDA, Kazuya YOKOTA, Ikuo IHARA. Detection of Internal Defects in Concrete Structures Based on Machine Learning Using Hammering Response Data Containing Artificial Noise (Evaluation of Machine Learning Models with High Generalization Performance). Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan. 2024. 73. 7. 582-589
MISC (111):
T.Kurahashi, M.Nakazawa, M.Kishida, K.Shimizu, T.Iyama. Comparing the topology optimization results of the stiffest structure using two types of topological derivatives. Research Reports of National Institute of Technology(KOSEN), Nagaoka College. 2024. 59. 1. 20-25
D.Q. Thuan, T. Kurahashi, H. Arata, T. Iyama. Optimization of Texture Design Parameters for Friction Reduction Based on Design of Experiments and Finite Element Fluid Analysis. Research Reports of National Institute of Technology(KOSEN), Nagaoka College. 2024. 59. 1. 11-19
Y. Sugiyama, T. Kurahashi, T. Eto. Shape Optimization of an object in an incompressible viscous fluid for drag minimization (Considerations for introducing a shape selection process using deep reinforcement learning). Research Reports of National Institute of Technology(KOSEN), Nagaoka College. 2024. 59. 1. 6-10
T.Kurahashi, S.Ichikawa, M.Kishida, M.Ikarashi, T.Iyama. Density-based topology optimization for maximally stiff structure problem using two-phase materials. Research Reports of National Institute of Technology(KOSEN), Nagaoka College. 2024. 59. 1. 1-5
櫻井 真希, 瀧澤 裕文, 込山 晃市, 倉橋 貴彦, 村上 祐貴. VRを用いたRC構造物の打音点検技能の可視化-Visualization of Hammering Test Skills for Reinforced Concrete Structures using VR. コンクリート構造物の補修,補強,アップグレード論文報告集 Proceedings of the Concrete Structure Scenarios, JSMS / 日本材料学会 編. 2023. 23. 325-330
Patents (1):
Books (3):
計算力学の基礎 : 数値解析から最適設計まで
共立出版 2023 ISBN:9784320082304
Advances in Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization
Springer 2017
Perusal of the Finite Element Method
Lectures and oral presentations (180):
Numerical and experimental studies for defect topology identification analysis based on the level-set-based topology optimization
(The 43rd JSST Annual International Conference on Simulation Technology & The 23rd Asia Simulation Conference 2024)
Influence of mesh resolution in FEM for estimation accuracy in data assimilation based on the Kalman filter (Application of Kalman filter FEM for flow field estimation in Hichirippu-numa model)
(ICTAM 2024 2024)
Topology optimization analysis for strain energy minimization problem
(DX manufacturing workshops at Nagaoka 2023 2023)
Level-set-based topology optimization for bi-linear type elasto-plastic problems
(ICIAM2023 2023)
Application of density-based topology optimization for maximally stiff structure problem using two-phase materials
(ICIAM2023 2023)
Education (1):
- - 2007 Chuo University Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering
Professional career (1):
- Dr. of Engineering (Chuo University)
Work history (7):
- 2023/09 - 現在 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of GIGAKU, Nagaoka University of Technology Professor
- 2014/04 - 2023/08 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nagaoka University of Techonology Associate Professor
- 2012/04 - 2014/03 National Institute of Technology, Nagaoka College Department of Mechanical Engineering
- 2012/01 - 2012/03 Nagaoka University of Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering Associate Professor
- 2008/04/01 - 2011/12/31 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nagaoka University of Techonology Assistant Professor
- 2007/10/16 - 2008/03/31 Research Institute for Information Technology, Kyushu University Researcher
- 2007/04 - 2007/09 Chuo University Department of Civil Engineering
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Awards (3):
- 2022/03 - 日本機械学会 日本機械学会 三浦賞
- 2017/03/15 - 日本機械学会 日本機械学会 畠山賞
- 2014/03/07 - 日本機械学会 日本機械学会北陸信越支部賞学生賞 Akinの特異要素を用いたFEMによる異材接合体に対する三次元特異応力場の評価
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本応用数理学会
, 日本機械学会
, 日本計算数理工学会
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