KADOWAKI Satoshi, KATSUMI Toshiyuki, SATO Daisuke, NOGUCHI Haruki, ZEMBA Atsushi, IWANAGA Kohei, ABE Satoshi. Characteristics of spherically expanding hydrogen-methane air lean premixed flames in a closed chamber: aiming to elucidate the hydrogen explosion at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. Mechanical Engineering Letters. 2024. 10. 23-00586-23-00586
Sato Daisuke, Hishida Tsubasa, Katsumi Toshiyuki, Kadowaki Satoshi. Effect of Carbon Dioxide Addition and Mesh Coverage on Reduction of Hydrogen Fire Risk. Journal of Japan Society for Safety Engineering. 2023. 62. 5. 309-316
KATSUMI Toshiyuki, YAZAWA Shinya, KUMADA Masashi, SATO Daisuke, KADOWAKI Satoshi. Dynamic behavior and flame acceleration of spherically expanding hydrogen flames under the low-pressure conditions. Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese). 2023. 89. 918. 22-00285-22-00285
AKAGAWA Yui, NOGI Ryosuke, SATO Daisuke, KATSUMI Toshiyuki, KADOWAKI Satoshi. Effects of oxygen enrichment and hydrogen addition on the instability of biogas-air premixed flames formed on a flat burner. Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese). 2023. 89. 923. 23-00090-23-00090
Toshiyuki KATSUMI, Masashi KUMADA, Haruki NOGUCHI, Atsushi ZENBA, Daisuke SATO, Hiroshi YAMAGATA, Satoshi KADOWAKI. Effects of inert-gas addition on the dynamic behavior and propagation characteristics of spherically expanding hydrogen-air flames. Journal of Thermal Science and Technology. 2023. 18. 2. 23-00310
松本幸太郎, 伊東山登, 松永浩貴, 勝身俊之, 塩田謙人, 伊里友一朗, 羽生宏人. Research and Development of High Energetic Ionic Liquid Thrusters for Space Demonstration. 火薬学会春季研究発表会講演要旨集(CD-ROM). 2024. 2024
松永浩貴, 伊東山登, 松本幸太郎, 塩田謙人, 伊里友一朗, 勝身俊之, 羽生宏人, 野田賢, 三宅淳巳. Research and Development of Thruster with High Energetic Ionic Liquids for Micro Propulsion System. 宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告 JAXA-RR-(Web). 2024. 23-005
菱田翼, 佐藤大輔, 勝身俊之, 門脇敏. The effects of mesh coverage on hydrogen-carbon dioxide jet diffusion flames. 日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集(CD-ROM). 2023. 60th
佐藤大輔, 仲地秀太, 本田海都, 勝身俊之, 門脇敏. Development of small-scale combustion-driven power systems based on counterflow diffusion combustion. 日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集(CD-ROM). 2022. 59th
Firing Test of Hydrogen-peroxide-added ADN-based Monopropellant Using Catalytic Thruster
(The 34th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 2023)
Improvement of Flash Atomization Characteristics of HANbased Green Propellants Using High Saturation Pressure Additive
(The 34th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 2023)
Catalytic combustion characteristics of CH4-N2O fuel-rich mixture for two-stage combustion thruster
(Thirteenth International Meeting on Special Topics in Chemical Propulsion and Energetic Materials 2023)