J-GLOBAL ID:201801021414116898   Update date: Sep. 21, 2022

Kajiyama Toshihito

Kajiyama Toshihito
Affiliation and department:
MISC (27):
  • 藤野 良孝, 梶山 俊仁, 中本 光彦, 庄司 直人, 古田 久. Development of a Study Notebook to Facilitate Students Active Learning in Rugby Classes. 情報学研究 = Studies in Information Science. 2018. 27. 29-35
  • Minouchi Yutaka, Kajiyama Toshihito. Athletic Characteristics and Psychological Factors in Union Rugby Football : Psychological Factors for the Team. Hokusei review, the School of Humanities. 2015. 52. 2. 11-18
  • 田村 進, 黒川 隆志, 梶山 俊仁, 明石 啓太. A study on the relationship between expertise and Enzan no Metsuke in Kendo Players. 広島文教女子大学心理学研究 = Hiroshima Bunkyo Women's University journal of psychology. 2015. 1. 2. 59-66
  • 田村 進, 黒川 隆志, 梶山 俊仁, 川西 正行. Changes in Visual Search Strategies Due to Improvements in Skills : In the Case of Kendo Players. 広島文教女子大学紀要. 2013. 48. 37-45
  • 蓑内 豊, 梶山 俊仁. 09方-29-口-33 ラグビーの競技特性と心理的要因 : チームに求められる要因(09 体育方法,一般研究発表抄録). 日本体育学会大会予稿集. 2013. 64. 0. 298-298
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