J-GLOBAL ID:201801021451514950
Update date: Sep. 20, 2024
Go Shintaro
ゴウ シンタロウ | Go Shintaro
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Other affiliations (3):
Ochanomizu University
Seikei University
Kyushu University
Research Center for Superheavy Elements
Research field (1):
Particle, nuclear, cosmic-ray, and astrophysics - experiment
Research keywords (2):
Nuclear Physics
, 物理学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 2023 - 2026 高感度ガンマ線偏光計を用いた革新的核分光手法の開発
- 2022 - 2024 Direct detection method of neutralized atomic beam for relativistic quantum chemistry
- 2021 - 2022 Isomer spectroscopy on actinide targets: a link to the island of stability
- 2017 - 2019 遅発中性子飛行時間測定法による二重魔法数核78Niの研究
Papers (61):
S. Go, Y. Tsuzuki, H. Yoneda, Y. Ichikawa, T. Ikeda, N. Imai, K. Imamura, M. Niikura, D. Nishimura, R. Mizuno, et al. Demonstration of nuclear gamma-ray polarimetry based on a multi-layer CdTe Compton camera. Scientific Reports. 2024. 14. 1
Shoichiro Kawase, Takuya Murota, Hiroya Fukuda, Masaya Oishi, Teppei Kawata, Kentaro Kitafuji, Seiya Manabe, Yukinobu Watanabe, Hiroki Nishibata, Shintaro Go, et al. Effect of large-angle incidence on particle identification performance for light-charged Z≤2 particles by pulse shape analysis with a pad-type nTD silicon detector. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2024. 1059. 168984-168984
R. Yokoyama, R. Grzywacz, B. C. Rasco, N. Brewer, K. P. Rykaczewski, I. Dillmann, J. L. Tain, S. Nishimura, D. S. Ahn, A. Algora, et al. β-delayed neutron emissions from N>50 gallium isotopes. Physical Review C. 2023. 108. 6
Rurie Mizuno, Megumi Niikura, Tokihiro Ikeda, Teiichiro Matsuzaki, Shintaro Go, Takeshi Y Saito, Shin’ichiro Michimasa, Hiroyoshi Sakurai. Response of germanium detectors for high-energy γ-rays by 27Al(p, γ)28Si at Ep = 992 keV. Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics. 2023. 2023. 5
M. Wolińska-Cichocka, B. C. Rasco, K. P. Rykaczewski, N. T. Brewer, A. Fijałkowska, M. Karny, R. K. Grzywacz, K. C. Goetz, C. J. Gross, D. W. Stracener, et al. Complete beta-decay patterns of 142Cs, 142Ba, and 142La determined using total absorption spectroscopy. Physical Review C. 2023. 107. 3
MISC (3):
井手口栄治, 郷慎太郎, 宮裕之, 木佐森慶一, 高木基伸, 大田晋輔, 道正新一郎, 下浦享, 小池武志, 山本剛史, et al. 質量数30領域の高スピン状態の研究. 日本物理学会講演概要集. 2011. 66. 2
Go Shintaro, Shimoura Susumu, Ideguchi Eiji, Miya Hiroyuki, Baba Hidetada. 11pSK-7 Development of 3-D position extraction for segmented Ge detectors by using pulse shape analysis. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2010. 65. 2. 63-63
Go Shintaro, Shimoura Susumu, Ideguchi Eiji, Ota Shinsuke, Miya Hiroyuki, Baba Hidetada. 21pBS-1 New method of pulse shape analysis by using moments from segmented Ge detectors. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2010. 65. 1. 80-80
Education (3):
- 2009 - 2014 東京大学大学院 理学系研究科 物理学専攻
- 2007 - 2009 University of Tokyo Department of Physics
- 2005 - 2007 The University of Tokyo College of Arts and Sciences
Professional career (1):
Work history (4):
- 2021/09 - 現在 RIKEN Cluster for Pioneering Research Researcher
- 2018/04 - 2021/08 Kyushu University School of Sciences Assistant Professor
- 2017/04 - 2018/03 RIKEN Special Postdoctoral Researcher
- 2014/04 - 2017/03 University of Tennessee Postdoctoral Researcher
Committee career (4):
- 2024/10 - 現在 日本物理学会 領域運営委員 実験核物理領域
- 2022/04 - 2024/03 理化学研究所 研究員会議 幹事
- 2020/07 - 2023/03 第四回若手放談会:エキゾチック核物理の将来 世話人
- 2019 - 2019 The 4th International Symposium on Superheavy Elements (SHE2019), Local Organizing Committee
Association Membership(s) (1):
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