J-GLOBAL ID:201901000908784150   Update date: Nov. 14, 2024

Su Yuhua

Su Yuhua
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (1): Material fabrication and microstructure control
Research keywords  (3): Neutron imaging ,  Neutron diffraction ,  Metal materials
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (1):
  • 2020 - 2022 Development of two-dimensional strain mapping technique around a fatigue crack using the pulsed neutron Bragg-edge transmission imaging and neutron diffraction
Papers (40):
  • Oriol Sans-Planell, Takenao Shinohara, Francesco Grazzi, Francesco Cantini, Yuhua Su, Yoshihiro Matsumoto, Joseph D. Parker, Ingo Manke. Redifining RADEN’s high-resolution neutron imaging capabilities. Review of Scientific Instruments. 2024. 95. 11
  • Wang Y. W.*, Xu P. G., Su Y. H., Ma Y. L.*, Wang H. H.*. Progress of material characterization techniques based on neutron Bragg-edge transmission imaging. Physics Examination and Testing. 2024. 42. 4. 32-41
  • Qin T. Y.*, Hu F. F.*, Xu P. G., Zhang H.*, Zhou L.*, Ao N.*, Su Y. H., Shobu Takahisa, Wu S. C.*. Gradient residual stress and fatigue life prediction of induction hardened carbon steel S38C axles; Experiment and simulation. International Journal of Fatigue. 2024. 185. 108336_1-108336_13
  • Feifei Hu, Tianyu Qin, Ni Ao, Yuhua Su, Liang Zhou, Pingguang Xu, Joseph Don Parker, Takenao Shinohara, Jie Chen, Shengchuan Wu. Gradient residual strain determination of surface impacted railway S38C axles by neutron Bragg-edge transmission imaging. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2024. 306. 110267-110267
  • Kenichi Watanabe, Yusuke Sugai, Sota Hasegawa, Keitaro Hitomi, Mitsuhiro Nogami, Takenao Shinohara, Yuhua Su, Joseph Don Parker, Winfried Kockelmann. Comparison Between Neutron Bragg Dip and Electron Backscatter Diffraction Images of TlBr Semiconductors. Sensors and Materials. 2024. 36. 1. 149-149
MISC (49):
  • ZHOU L., ZHANG H., QIN T., AO N., XU P., SU Y., HE L., PARKER J.D., SHINOHARA T., SHOBU T., et al. Residual strain and microstructure measurements using neutron diffraction and Bragg-edge transmission imaging. 日本中性子科学会年会講演概要集. 2022. 22nd
  • QIN T., ZHANG H., WU S., AO N., ZHOU L., XU P., SU Y., SHOBU T. Residual stresses measurement of induction hardened railway S38C axles using neutron diffraction. 日本中性子科学会年会講演概要集. 2022. 22nd
  • 及川健一, 佐藤博隆, 渡辺賢一, 蘇玉華, 篠原武尚, 甲斐哲也, 鬼柳善明, 加美山隆. Update of Bragg edge analysis code ”GUI-RITS”. 量子ビームサイエンスフェスタ(Web). 2021. 2020
  • PARKER Joseph D., 松本吉弘, 蘇玉華, 篠原武尚, 甲斐哲也. Energy-Selective Computed Tomography Utilizing Camera- and Event-Type Detectors at RADEN. 量子ビームサイエンスフェスタ(Web). 2021. 2020
  • 甲斐哲也, 蘇玉華, 廣井孝介, 篠原武尚, 及川健一, 林田洋寿, PARKER Joseph D., 松本吉弘, 瀬川麻里子, 中谷健, et al. State-of-charge distribution of lithium ion battery measured by neutron imaging. 量子ビームサイエンスフェスタ(Web). 2019. 2018
Books (1):
  • In situ Observations of Microstructural Evolution During Annealing or Deformation in an Electro-deposited Fine-grained Iron
    Springer 2014
Professional career (1):
  • 博士(工学) (茨城大学)
Work history (3):
  • 2018/04 - 現在 Japan Atomic Energy Agency J-PARC Center
  • 2014/04 - 2018/03 Japan Atomic Energy Agency J-PARC Center Special Subject Researcher
  • 2012/04 - 2014/03 Ibaraki University Post-Doctoral Fellow
Association Membership(s) (2):
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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