J-GLOBAL ID:201901002673658901
Update date: Jan. 31, 2024
funayama naoji
フナヤマ ナオジ | funayama naoji
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Cultural anthropology and folklore
Research keywords (3):
, 生活文化
, 民俗学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (10):
- 2022 - 2025 北海道南西部の民俗芸能に関わる民俗文化財の活用と継承に向けての基礎的研究
- 2013 - 2018 Fokklore Research of Various Topics Regarding Traditions to Hokkaido Through the western shipping route
- 2013 - 2016 A Historical Study on AINU Shikki:Cooperation between Document-based Historical Research,and Archaeology and Folklore-Cultural Anthropology
- 2009 - 2012 Folkloristic Study on the History of Inter-Ethnic Exchange in Southwest Hokkaido
- 2009 - 2011 Ethnological Research on the Cultures of the Immigrant People to Karafuto in Japan Era, 1905-1945
- 2005 - 2008 Research on the Handing down of Folk Entertainments in Hokkaido
- 1999 - 2000 Changes of appearances of 4th Suijin Belief caused by the Wajin and the Ainu people since the Recent Period.
- 1997 - 1998 "Suijin" belief fixation and transition during the 17-19th into "Matumae"
- 1993 - 1993 北海道における民間信仰「カワシモサマ」の伝播と定着についての基礎研究
- 1988 - 1989 北海道における越冬食の系譜と変遷に関する研究
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MISC (22):
尾曲 香織, 舟山 直治. 2021年度新着資料紹介 : 生活文化関係資料を中心に-Introduction of Objects Entering Museum Collection during 2021 Fiscal Year : Focusing on Articles Related to Folklife. 北海道博物館研究紀要 = Bulletin of Hokkaido Museum / 北海道博物館 編. 2022. 7. 91-96
舟山 直治, 村上 孝一, 尾曲 香織, 竹田 聡. Folklore of Belief in the River Basin of "Kawa-shimo", "Kawa-suso" and "Kawa-so" in the Shiga Prefecture, Fukui Prefecture and Ishikawa Prefecture. 北海道博物館研究紀要 = Bulletin of Hokkaido Museum. 2018. 3. 179-192
舟山 直治, 村上 孝一, 尾曲 香織. Folklore of "Kawa-shimo", "Kawa-suso" and "Kawa-so′′ Beliefs in the Border Area of Hyogo Prefecture, Tottori Prefecture and Okayama Prefecture. 北海道博物館研究紀要 = Bulletin of Hokkaido Museum. 2017. 2. 111-120
舟山 直治, 村上 孝一. Folklore of Belief in Coastal Area of the Kako River and Yura River Basin of o Deity as "Kawa-shimo", "Kawa-suso" and "Kawa-so". 北海道博物館研究紀要 = Bulletin of Hokkaido Museum. 2016. 1. 73-86
池田 貴夫, 会田 理人, 青柳 かつら, 山際 秀紀, 舟山 直治, 村上 孝一, 出利葉 浩司, 小林 孝二. A Report on the "Modern History Regarding the Diversity and Transition of Sense of Value Concerning Things" Comprehensive Research Project. 北海道博物館研究紀要 = Bulletin of Hokkaido Museum. 2016. 1. 103-110
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