Research field (3):
, Medical systems
, Healthcare management, medical sociology
Papers (91):
Jun Watanabe, Toshsiaki Nakano. Prediction of Delivery Strategy of Spam Messages from Predatory Publishers to a Medical Institution using SMTP Header Information, and Validation of Blocking Strategy based on the Prediction. 2019. 39. Suppl. 256-261
Development of the diagnostic imaging navigation using the knowledge base. 2017. 37. Suppl. 1232-1235
Signature Analysis of SMTP envelope headers on spam mails from predatory publishers and bogus conference organizers and those with malicious attachments. 2017. 37. Suppl. 868-872
Prediction of Delivery Strategy of Spam Messages from Predatory Publishers to a Medical Institution using SMTP Header Information, and Validation of Blocking Strategy based on the Prediction
(JCMI2019 2019)
1987 - 1991 Kansai Medical University Graduate School, Division of Medicine
1979 - 1985 関西医科大学 医学部 医学科
1979 - 1985 Kansai Medical University Faculty of Medicine
Professional career (1):
Long-term prognosis of primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) in Japan and analysis of the factors of stage progression in asymptomatic PBC (a-PBC) (Kansai Medical University)
Work history (4):
2007/04 - 2025/12 Kansai Medical University Faculty of Medicine Associate Professor
2006/11 - 2007/03 Kansai Medical University Faculty of Medicine Associate Professor
1997/01 - 2006/10 Kansai Medical University Faculty of Medicine Lecturer
1991/06 - 1996/12 Kansai Medical University Faculty of Medicine Research Assistant
Committee career (18):
2016/04 - 現在 社会医学系専門医協会 社会医学系専門医協会 指導医
2011/09 - 現在 (社)医療情報安全管理監査人協会 公認医療情報システム監査人補 No 0050A