Research field (1):
Philosophy - Chinese, Indian, Buddhist
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
2020 - 2025 日本現存宋版大蔵経の基礎的研究とその受容・展開に関する総合的な研究
Papers (13):
前島 信也, 新田 優. 七寺一切経録外経典『仏説老女経』翻刻・訓読・訳注. 日本古写経研究所研究紀要 = Journal of the Research Institute for Old Japanese Manuscripts of Buddhist Scriptures. 2023. 8. 巻頭1p,62-70
前島 信也. 七寺一切経における日本撰述経典について. 日本古写経研究所研究紀要 = Journal of the Research Institute for Old Japanese Manuscripts of Buddhist Scriptures. 2023. 8. 49-60
MAEJIMA Shinya. Jōdosanbukyō-ongi-shū compiled by Shinzui and Yiqiejing yinyi compiled by Xuanying. Journal of Research Society of Buddhism and Cultural Heritage. 2019. 2018. 27. 111-134
Shin'ya Maejima. Bibliographic Considerations of "Jōdosanbukyō-ongi-shū" 浄土三部経音義集 Compiled by Shinzui 信瑞 : In Particular about Its Various Manuscripts in China. 2018. 22. 22. 71-101
MAEJIMA Shinya. Certain Birth and Uncertain Birth into the Pure Land in the "Kogizuiketushu". Journal of Research Society of Buddhism and Cultural Heritage. 2017. 2017. 26. 45-56
MAEJIMA Shin'ya. Bibliographic Considerations on the Jōdo sanbukyō ongishū Compiled by Shinzui::In Particular about Its Sources Preserved in Japan. Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies (Indogaku Bukkyogaku Kenkyu). 2017. 65. 2. 634-637
MAEJIMA Shinya. Bibliographic considerations of "Kogizuiketushu" : a comparative study of its various books. Journal of Research Society of Buddhism and Cultural Heritage. 2016. 2016. 25. 107-128