Research field (3):
History - Europe/America
, Archaeology
, Cultural anthropology and folklore
Research keywords (3):
, 笛吹きボトル
, メキシコ西部地域
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
2024 - 2029 Collaboration between Cognitive Science and Human History to Elucidate the Process of Creative Artifact Creation (Art and Emotion Group)
2022 - 2024 A worldview related to water in the ancient Andes studied from structural research and acoustic analysis of whistling bottles
2020 - 2022 Change of ceramic style and technical communication in the north-central coast of Peru from 8th to 16th century
2017 - 2020 岩絵群と神殿建築から究明する先スペイン期メキシコ西部の社会文化発展
2014 - 2018 a study for interaction between civilizations exploring the burial tradition of Western Mexico
2010 - 2012 Investigation of the dynamism of the Maya civilization according to their utilization of natural resources and environment in the southern part of Campeche
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Papers (15):
Kazuo Aoyama, Yukitaka Inoue, Teruaki Yoshida, Shinya Watanabe, Yuichi Matsumoto. Problems of Ancient American History described in Junior High and High School Textbooks: Evaluating History for Junior High School as well as Modern and Contemporary History and Advanced World History for High Sschool. America Antigua. 2023. 26. 93-108
Rodrigo Esparza López, Francisco Manuel Rodríguez Mota, César V.Hernandez, Teruaki Yoshida. Visibilidad y correlación con el paisaje cultural de los petrograbados del sitio arqueológico Presa de la Luz, un estudio mediante los sistemas de información geográfica. Sistemas de Información Geográfica(SIG) para arqueólogos, Repasando el espacio en contextos arqueológicos mesoamericanos. 2023. 137-158
Rodrigo Esparza López, Francisco Rodríguez Mota, Mario Rétiz García, Néstor Corona Morales, Teruaki Yoshida. El uso de drones para el registro arqueológico de petrograbados: El caso del geoglifo del Sáuz de Cajigal en Arandas, Jalisco. Estudios multidisciplinarios en el arte rupestre en México - Arqueometría, conservación e interpretación. 2023. 111-126
Naotoshi Ichiki, Teruaki Yoshida, Wakae Awano. Analysis and Preliminary Considerations about textile impressions on pottery - a case study of Huaura Style in Tokai University Andes Collection -. America Antigua. 2022. 25. 65-76
Francisco M. Rodríguez Mota, Rodrigo Esparza López, Teruaki Yoshida, Mario Rétiz García. La gestión y apropiación de un sitio arqueológico con arte rupestre, el caso de la Presa de la Luz, Jalisco, México. Arqueología. 2021. 27. 3. 13-24
, The Japanese Society for Time Studies
, The Japan Society for the Comparative Study of Civilizations
, The Tokai Society for the Study of Civilization
, Japan Society for Studies of Ancient America