J-GLOBAL ID:201901003733445275
Update date: Apr. 28, 2024
サカタ ミナコ | SAKATA Minako
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
History - Japan
Research keywords (7):
Settler colonialism
, Penal colony
, History
, Oral Tradition
, Hokkaido
, Indigenous peoples
, Ainu
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 2024 - 2029 日本型移住植民地北海道の形成過程と先住民問題の発生に関する基礎的研究
- 2017 - 2022 Study on Civic Activities for Reconciliation on Historical Issues
- 2011 - 2015 Hermeneutics of Ainu Oral Lieterature
- 2011 - 2012 The Anthropological Reconstruction concerning the History of Ethnic Relationship between the Ainu and the Wajin
Papers (9):
Sakata Minako. The Transformation of Hokkaido from Penal Colony to Homeland Territory. INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF SOCIAL HISTORY. 2018. 63. 109-130
坂田 美奈子. The Concept of Uymam in Ainu Oral Literature. 歴史学研究 = Journal of historical studies. 2017. 958. 14-26,46
Clare Anderson, Carrie M. Crockett, Christian G. De Vito, Takashi Miyamoto, Kellie Moss, Katherine Roscoe, Minako Sakata. Locating penal transportation: Punishment, space, and place c.1750 to 1900. Historical Geographies of Prisons: Unlocking the Usable Carceral Past. 2015. 147-167
SAKATA Minako. Possibilities of Reality, Variety of Versions: The Historical Consciousness of the Ainu Folk Tales. Oral Tradition. 2011. 26. 175-190
坂田 美奈子. The tale of a chieftain of Tukupita: creating Ainu ethnohistory. Journal of the history of Hokkaido and Tohoku regions of Japan. 2011. 7. 11-24
MISC (10):
坂田 美奈子. 先住民史への模索 : 国立アイヌ民族博物館の歴史展示. 歴史学研究 = Journal of historical studies / 歴史学研究会 編. 2022. 1024. 40-47
坂田美奈子. 今日のアイヌをめぐる学術と政治の関係:平山裕人著『アイヌ民族の現在、過去と未来!』. 『図書新聞』. 2022. 3539. 6-6
SAKATA Minako. Richard Siddle. Race , Resistance and the Ainu of Japan . Translated by Mark Winchester. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 2021. 2022. 2. 237-245
SAKATA Minako. Tandanya-Adelaide Declaration : Prescriptions for an Ainu History as an Indigenous History. 2022. 2. 225-236
坂田 美奈子. 日本のアイヌ政策の矛盾 : 国立アイヌ民族博物館の基本展示が伝えること. 2021. 14. 76-81
Books (13):
和解をめぐる市民運動の取り組み--その意義と課題 (和解学叢書4=市民運動)
明石書店 2022 ISBN:4750354015
A Global History of Convicts and Penal Colonies
Routledge 2018
清水書院 2018 ISBN:9784389500887
ミネルヴァ書房 2016 ISBN:9784623071111
東京大学出版会 2016 ISBN:9784130203043
Lectures and oral presentations (15):
Stories Uninherited: Representation of Ainu-Japanese Relations in Ainu Folk Tales Transcribed by KAN'NARI Matsu
(第3回日本文化人類学会倫理委員会特別シンポジウム「植民地主義的過去への反省と文化人類学」 2023)
How Oral Tradition Works to Reclaim Indigenous History
(International Council on Archives, Indigenous Matters Summit 2019)
Abolition of Penal Transportation to Hokkaido and Japanese Imperialism
(Fifth European Congress on World and Global History, European Network in Universal and Global History 2017)
(アイヌ・先住民言語アーカイヴプロジェクト2017シンポジウム「先住民族アイヌと入植植民地北海道1アイヌ史の方法論」 2017)
Education (2):
- 2003 - 2007 University of Tokyo Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Department of Area Studies
- 2001 - 2003 Hosei University Graduate School
Work history (3):
- 2022/04 - 現在 Teikyo University Faculty of Language Studies professor
- 2021/04 - 2022/03 Hokuyo University Faculty of Intercultural Studies Professor
- 2015/04 - 2021/03 Tomakomai Koamazawa University Faculty of Intercultural Studies Associate Professor
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