J-GLOBAL ID:201901003990566202
Update date: Apr. 10, 2024
アライ アヤ | ARAI Aya
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Sports science
Research keywords (11):
, Long-term adaptation
, Sports performance
, muscle mechanics
, Sprint running
, Track and Field
, locomotion
, Electromyography
, Muscle-Tendon Unit
, Ultrasonography
, Stretch-shortening cycle
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
- 2019 - 2022 Investigating human adaptation to specific ankle plantar flexion in search of "beauty"
- 2017 - 2018 Gait characteristics of young women who regularly use high heels
- 2014 - 2017 Effect of phantom feedback for training.
Papers (20):
Miho Yoshimura, Masatoshi Nakamura, Tatsuya Hojo, Aya Arai, Yoshiyuki Fukuoka. The field study about the effects of artificial CO2-rich cool-water immersion after outdoor sports activity in a hot environment. Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness. 2023. 21. 3. 268-274
The effect of mini-hurdle training on the post-immidoate sprint running parameters in different level sprinters. 2023. 132. 13-23
Aya ARAI. Characteristics of motion-frequency in athletes of long-term participation in competitive sports. Research Journal of Sports Performance. 2022. 14. 128-136
Aya ARAI. Investigation of parameters that determine the impression of gait beauty in young women. 2021. 60. 9-16
Hikaru Tanaka, Satoru Tanabe, Hiromi Shinno, Aya Arai, Kazunori Sagawa. Characteristics of the gait of middle-aged and older women when pole walking to prevent care dependency. 2020. 12. 383-395
MISC (2):
新井彩. スプリントにおける「バネ」とその制御ー日本スプリント学会第34回大会シンポジウムレポートー. 月刊陸上競技. 2024. 2024年3月. 132-135
Aya ARAI. Monitoring velocity data in the training of track and field athletes. Journal of Training Science for Exercise and Sports. 2022. 34. 3. 195-199
Lectures and oral presentations (27):
ミニハードルの高さが短距離走動作に及ぼす影響 〜接地期の動作に着目して~
(日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会第73回大会 2023)
(第77回日本体力医学会大会 2022)
Characteristics of sprint running with the horizontal resisted loads
(ECSS Congress of European College of Sport Science 2019)
Professional career (2):
Work history (6):
- 2022/04 - 現在 Doshisha University Faculty of Health and Sports Science
- 2019 - 2022/03 Doshisha Universty Faculty of Health and Sports Science Assistant Professor
- 2018 - 2019 Osaka University of Health and Sport Sciences School of Health and Sport Sciences
- 2018 - 2018 Mukogawa Women's University School of Health and Sports Sciences
- 2012 - 2018 Mukogawa Women's University Junior College Division Department of Health and Sports
- 2011 - 2012 Mukogawa Women's University School of Health and Sports Sciences Department of Health and Sports Sciences
Show all
Committee career (2):
Association Membership(s) (9):
European College of Sport Science
, 日本トレーニング科学会
, 日本体力医学会
, 日本コーチング学会
, 日本スプリント学会
, 日本陸上競技学会
, 大阪体育学会
, 日本バイオメカニクス学会
, 日本体育学会
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