J-GLOBAL ID:201901004011465103
Update date: Feb. 05, 2025
Kakei Yasumasa
カケイ ヤスマサ | Kakei Yasumasa
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Senior Assistant Professor
Other affiliations (1):
Kobe University
Graduate School of Medicine Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
senior assistant professor
Research field (2):
Surgical dentistry
, Healthcare management, medical sociology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
- 2023 - 2026 好中球に着眼したシェーグレン症候群の新規病理分類提案と治療薬探索
- 2023 - 2026 顎骨壊死に対する腐骨分離促進療法の探索
- 2020 - 2024 口腔癌における金属ナノ粒子と分子標的薬併用治療の有効性に関する研究
- 2021 - 2023 Development of treatment system for periodontal disease and oral cancer using bio-compatible titanium dioxide
- 2019 - 2023 血管・リンパ管新生に着眼した歯性感染症-顎骨骨髄炎移行メカニズム解明と治療法探索
- 2017 - 2020 Myofunction MRI analysis of the oral cancer reconstruction case
- 2016 - 2020 Study on the efficacy of titanium nanoparticles in oral cancer
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Papers (80):
Junya Furukawa, Yasumasa Kakei, Sae Murakami, Hiroshi Kita, Hideto Ueki, Takuto Hara, Jun Teishima, Nobuyuki Hinata, Hideaki Miyake, Masato Fujisawa, et al. Safety and efficacy of oral cancer vaccine B440 in patients with PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitor-resistant advanced urothelial cancer: a study protocol for a phase 1 multicenter, open-label, single-arm clinical trial. BMC cancer. 2025. 25. 1. 195-195
Tadashi Nomura, M.Ozaki, Keigo Osuga, Masakazu KURITA, Ayato Hayashi, Shunsuke Yuzuriha, Noriko Aramaki-Hattori, Makoto Hikosaka, Taiki Nozaki, Michio Ozeki, et al. Post-Hoc Analysis of a Multicenter Clinical Trial: Correlation of Coagulation Factor Changes and MRI-Defined Treatment Outcomes After Sclerotherapy for Venous Malformations. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2025
Mine Ozaki, Tadashi Nomura, Keigo Osuga, Masakazu Kurita, Ayato Hayashi, Shunsuke Yuzuriha, Noriko Aramaki-Hattori, Makoto Hikosaka, Taiki Nozaki, Michio Ozeki, et al. Effect and safety of ethanolamine oleate in sclerotherapy in patients with difficult-to-resect venous malformations: A multicenter, single-arm study. PloS one. 2025. 20. 1. e0303130
Kaito Uryu, Yasumasa Kakei, Sho Sendo, Ikuko Goto, Kengo Akashi, Keisuke Nishimum, Tatsuya Shirai, Junya Hirota, Daisuke Takeda, Manabu Shigeoka, et al. Zymosan-Treated SKG Mice: Assessing Effects of Systemic Inflammation on the Temporomandibular Joint. Oral diseases. 2024
Yasumasa Kakei, Ichiro Morioka, Takumi Imai, Kotaro Itohara, Ikuko Yano, Naoto Takahashi, Tetsushi Yoshikawa, Hiroyuki Moriuchi, Yoshinori Ito, Kazumichi Fujioka, et al. Assessment of patients’ characteristics associated with the efficacy and safety of oral valganciclovir treatment for infants with symptomatic congenital cytomegalovirus disease. Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy. 2024
MISC (126):
筧 康正, 明石 昌也. Dd診断力てすと 右下顎臼歯部の腫瘤. DENTAL DIAMOND. 2024. 49. 16. 19-20
筧 康正, 守本 倫子, 伊藤 嘉規, 岡 明, 森岡 一朗. 無症候性先天性サイトメガロウイルス感染症の対応を考える 先天性CMV感染児の遅発性難聴を対象としたバルガンシクロビルの医師主導治験について. 日本新生児成育医学会雑誌. 2024. 36. 3. 467-467
平岡 佑二郎, 松村 恵実, 筧 康正, 武田 大介, 重岡 学, 木本 明, 長谷川 巧実, 明石 昌也. ヒト下歯槽神経のバリア制御に関連する分子の解析. 日本口腔科学会雑誌. 2024. 73. 2. 113-113
筧 康正, 白井 達也, 長谷川 巧実, 明石 昌也. 歯の喪失は65歳高齢者の早期要介護発生リスクと関係するか?. 日本口腔科学会雑誌. 2024. 73. 2. 216-216
廣田 勇士, 筧 康正, 今井 淳太, 片桐 秀樹, 海老原 健, 和田 淳, 鈴木 潤一, 浦上 達彦, 大森 崇, 小川 渉. インスリン抵抗性を伴う難治性糖尿病に対するエンパグリフロジンの有効性・安全性に関する多施設共同非盲検単群試験(EMPIRE). 糖尿病. 2024. 67. Suppl.1. S-220
Education (2):
- 2011 - 2015 Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine
- 2004 - 2010 Osaka University School of Dentistry
Professional career (1):
Work history (3):
- 2022/07 - 現在 Kobe University Hospital Clinical and Translational Research Center senior assistant professor
- 2020/02 - 2022/06 Kobe University Hospital Clinical and Translational Research Center Assistant professor
- 2017/06 - 2020/01 Kobe University Hospital Clinical and Translational Research Center Assistant professor
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