J-GLOBAL ID:201901004570686543
Update date: Oct. 09, 2024
Ohara Satoshi
オハラ サトシ | Ohara Satoshi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Project Professor
Research field (4):
Food sciences
, Environmental load reduction/restoration technology
, Applied biofunctional and bioprocess engineering
, Environmental impact assessment
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
- 2020 - 2027 データ駆動型統合バイオ生産マネジメントシステム(Data-driven iBMS)の研究開発
- 2023 - 2026 Crop requirements of the sugar-accumulating type of Erianthus for low-carbon bioproduct production and soil improvement
- 2021 - 2026 令和3年度戦略的研究開発課題(S-19) プラスチックの持続可能な資源循環と海洋流出制御に向けたシステム構築に関する総合的研究
Papers (35):
Satoshi Ohara, Yuichiro Kanematsu, Shoma Fujii, Yasunori Kikuchi. Life cycle design of bioprocess system applying simulation-based approach. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 2024. 53. 2593-2598
Yuichiro Kanematsu, Shoma Fujii, Yuko Oshita, Satoshi Ohara, Atsushi Komori, Daisuke Shimotoku, Katsura Iizuka, Junya Kawase, Hiroki Kobayashi, Yasunori Kikuchi. Prototyping cloud application for regional green transformation supported by prospective life cycle assessment. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 2024. 53. 3463-3468
Yasunori Kikuchi, Hideaki Kurishima, Yuichiro Kanematsu, Takuya Kasai, Shoma Fujii, Yuko Oshita, Tetsuya Ishida, Satoshi Ohara. Prospective life-cycle design of regional resource circulation applying technology assessments supported by CAPE tools. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 2024. 53. 2251-2256
Satoshi Ohara, Yosuke Hamada, Nagi Numata, Tetsuya Ishida, Shoma Fujii, Yoshifumi Terajima, Yasunori Kikuchi. Effects of the High-sugar and High-fiber Sugarcane “Haruno-ougi” on the Raw Sugar Production Process. Research for Tropical Agriculture. 2024
Satoshi Ohara, Yosuke Hamada, Yoshifumi Terajima, Tetsuya Ishida, Yasunori Kikuchi, Yasuhiro Fukushima, Akira Sugimoto. Effect of single-boiling crystallization of high-yielding sugarcane KY01-2044 on sugar and molasses production. Food Science and Technology Research. 2024. 30. 1. 47-56
MISC (24):
Leonardo L. Corradini, Aya Heiho, Yuichiro Kanematsu, Ryoko Shimono, Satoshi Ohara, Yasunori Kikuchi. Simulation-based design of regional biomass thermochemical conversion system for improved environmental and socio-economic performance. Proc.The 33rd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE 33). 2023
Yasunori Kikuchi, Shoma Fujii, Tetsuya Ishida, Satoshi OHara, Yoshifumi Terajima, Yusuke Tarumoto. 種子島における地域産業×科学技術で目指す地域のグリーントランスフォーメーション. 2023. 128. 54-61
Satoshi Ohara. Bioethanol production aimed at increasing food production with low CO2 emissions. 2023. 7. 2. 120-125
Satoshi Ohara. 食料増産と温室効果ガス排出削減を両立させる次世代バイオ燃料製造システム. MDB Technology Forecast Report. 2023. 1-10
藤井祥万, 尾下優子, 菊池康紀, 菊池康紀, 菊池康紀, 小原聡. 空調機に関する資源循環のマテリアルフロー分析. 化学工学会年会研究発表講演要旨集(CD-ROM). 2022. 87th
Patents (7):
Method of raw sugar and ethanol production by selective fermentation
Method of sugar and ethanol production by selective fermentation
Method of sugar production
Method for producing hydrogen and alcohol for hydrogen production
Method to produce sugar and useful materials
Books (10):
技術情報協会 2024
2023 ISBN:9784865022452
日本電気協会新聞部 2022
シーエムシー出版 2010
化学工業社 2010
Lectures and oral presentations (45):
Effective Utilization of High-yielding Sugar Crops from the Perspective of Life Cycle Design
(70th Philsutech Annual National Convention 2024)
Education (3):
- 1998 - 1999 The University of Tokyo Engineering Chemical System Engineering
- 1995 - 1997 The University of Tokyo Engineering Chemistry & Biotechnology
- 1993 - 1995 The University of Tokyo
Professional career (1):
Committee career (3):
- 2023/06 - 現在 Alic 専門調査員
- 2022/04 - 現在 化学工学会 戦略企画会議地域連携カーボンニュートラル推進委員会 委員
- 2005/04 - 2009/03 NEDO 「植物の物質生産プロセス制御 基盤技術開発」評価委員
Awards (7):
- 2020/03 - The Institute of Life Cycle Assessment,Japan Best Paper Award Statistics-based Yield Estimation Model for Designing Integrated Plant Resource Utilization System Considering Interannual Meteorological Variances: Implications from Case Studies on Combined Sugar-ethanol Production from Sugarcane
- 2019/09 - The Society for Biotechnology, Japan Technical Award of Biotechnology
- 2019/05 - Chemical Engineering, Japan Outstanding Paper Award 2018
- 2016/12 - International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists Best Paper Award "Maurice Paturau Award"
- 2013/04 - The Grand Prize for the Global Environment Award The Grand Prize
- 2007/04 - The Grand Prize for the Global Environment Award The Environment Minister's Award
- 2005/11 - The Japan Institute of Energy Incentive Award
Show all
Association Membership(s) (8):
Japanese Society fo Tropical Agriculture
, The Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology
, 日本生物工学会
, 日本LCA学会
, 化学工学会
, 日本エネルギー学会
, International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists
, 日本水環境学会
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