J-GLOBAL ID:201901004858246424
Update date: Mar. 04, 2024
Tomomi Yamane
ヤマネ トモミ | Tomomi Yamane
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Economic policy
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
- 2023 - 2026 Imagined Life Course Constructed through "New Educational Domains" in Contemporary Asia
- 2022 - 2026 Heterogeneity and Long-term Effect of Sustainable Behavior: Online Survey Experiments and Machine Learning
- 2018 - 2022 Determinants of Labor Market Transition of Youth: An Empirical Analysis Using Household Survey Date in Developing Countries
Papers (9):
Tomomi Yamane, Shinji Kaneko. Exploring the impact of awareness on public acceptance of emerging energy technologies: An analysis of the oil palm industry. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2023. 414. 137593-137593
Tomomi Yamane, Shinji Kaneko. Dataset: Japan household panel survey on Sustainable Development Goals 2019-2020. Data in Brief. 2022. 43
Tomomi Yamane, Shinji Kaneko. Does hostility affect public support for the provision of global public goods among competing neighboring countries? A survey experiment in Northeast Asia. Global Environmental Change. 2022. 73. 102455-102455
Tomomi Yamane, Shinji Kaneko. The Sustainable Development Goals as new business norms: A survey experiment on stakeholder preferences. Ecological Economics. 2022. 191. 107236-107236
Tomomi Yamane, Shinji Kaneko. What Motivates Stakeholders to Demand Corporate Social Responsibility: A Survey Experiment. Sustainability. 2021. 13. 15. 8313-8313
MISC (3):
Tomomi Yamane, Shinji Kaneko. Dataset: Japan Household Panel Survey on Sustainable Development Goals 2019-2020. Data in Brief. 2021. 43
Yamane Tomomi. Hiroshima University SDGs Awareness Survey. 2020
Yamane Tomomi. SDGs Awareness Survey of Hiroshima University Students. 2019
Education (4):
- Osaka University Osaka School of International Public Policy Doctor's course
- Osaka University Osaka School of International Public Policy Master's course
- American University School of International Service
- Ritsumeikan University College of Policy Science
Professional career (4):
- Ph.D (Hiroshima University)
- Master (International Public Policy) (Osaka University)
- B.A.(Policy Science) (Ritsumeikan University)
- B.A. (International Studies) (American University)
Work history (3):
- Hiroshima University
- Osaka Kyoiku University
- Japan International Cooperation Agency
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