日本神経学会 脳神経内科指導医
, 日本老年医学会 老年科指導医
, 日本脳卒中学会 脳卒中指導医
, Society for Neuroscience
, International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism
, American Heart Association
, 日本脳循環代謝学会
, 日本認知症学会 認知症指導医
, Board Certified Dementia Specialist of the Japan Society for Dementia Research
, Board Certified Stroke Specialist of the Japan Stroke Society
, Board Certified Geriatrician of the Japan Geriatrics Society
, Board Certified Neurologist of the Japanese Society of Neurology
, Fellow of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
, Board Certified Member of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine