J-GLOBAL ID:201901007911811596   Update date: Sep. 30, 2024

Shoichi Kusunose

Shoichi Kusunose
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (2): Hygiene and public health (laboratory) ,  Pharmaceuticals - analytical and physicochemistry
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (1):
  • 2021 - 2023 神経活性ステロイド生合成促進剤:抗不安薬へリポジショニング可能な既存薬の探索
Papers (22):
  • Tatsuya Higashi, Asuka Tanaka, Shiho Tsubura, Shoichi Nishimoto-Kusunose. Conversion of 5α-Androstane-3α,17β-diol to bis[(4-dimethylamino)phenyl carbamate] derivative for sensitive determination of its rat brain level by LC/ESI-MS/MS. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 2024. 38. 19
  • Toma Shibuya, Anri Sato, Shoich Nishimoto-Kusunose, Kazumi Yoshizawa, Tatsuya Higashi. Further evidence for blood-to-brain influx of unconjugated bile acids by passive diffusion: Determination of their brain-to-serum concentration ratios in rats by LC/MS/MS. Steroids. 2024. 204. 109397-109397
  • 稲葉洋平, 飯島健太郎, 飯島健太郎, 楠瀬翔一, 戸次加奈江, 内山茂久, 牛山明. Analysis and comparison of hazardous chemical compounds generated from heated tobacco IQOS ILUMA and ILUMA compatible devices. 室内環境学会学術大会講演要旨集(Web). 2023. 2023年. 168-169
  • Shoichi Nishimoto-Kusunose, Ayaka Hirakawa, Asuka Tanaka, Kazumi Yoshizawa, Kosho Makino, Hideyo Takahashi, Tatsuya Higashi. Drugs possessing aryloxypropanamine pharmacophore, duloxetine, dapoxetine and propranolol, increase allopregnanolone in rat brain: Possible involvement of allopregnanolone in their central nervous system effects. Steroids. 2023. 198. 109272-109272
  • Toma Shibuya, Shoichi Nishimoto-Kusunose, Ayaka Hirakawa, Kazumi Yoshizawa, Tatsuya Higashi. LC/ESI-MS/MS analysis of progesterone-derived steroids produced in SH-SY5Y cells. Medical Mass Spectrometry. 2023. 7. 1. 60-70
MISC (14):
  • 楠瀬翔一, 稲葉洋平, 戸次加奈江, 牛山明. Determination of reactive oxygen species in aerosol of heated tobacco products by DCFH assay. 日本薬学会年会要旨集(Web). 2024. 144th
  • 戸次加奈江, 稲葉洋平, 楠瀬翔一, 内山茂久, 牛山明. A study on isocyanates from tobacco products and indoor pollution. 日本薬学会年会要旨集(Web). 2024. 144th
  • 水元優花, 平川彩夏, 楠瀬翔一, 杉浦悠毅, 西本紘嗣郎, 東達也. Quantification of C18-oxygenated steroids in adrenal tributary venous serum of patients with primary aldosteronism LC/ESI-MS/MS. 日本薬学会年会要旨集(Web). 2023. 143rd
  • 平川彩夏, 田中あすか, 楠瀬翔一, 吉澤一巳, 東達也. Involvement of allopregnanolone in neural actions of drugs possessing an aryloxypropanamine structure. バイオメディカル分析科学シンポジウム講演要旨集. 2022. 34th
  • 高田一成, 萩原雪乃, 冨樫萌香, 橘高敦史, 川越文裕, 上杉志成, 上杉志成, 楠瀬翔一, 東達也. Major Vitamin D3 Metabolites Liberated in Human Urine after GUS Treatment. JSBMS Letters. 2022. 47. Supplement
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