Tatsuya Higashi, Asuka Tanaka, Shiho Tsubura, Shoichi Nishimoto-Kusunose. Conversion of 5α-Androstane-3α,17β-diol to bis[(4-dimethylamino)phenyl carbamate] derivative for sensitive determination of its rat brain level by LC/ESI-MS/MS. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 2024. 38. 19
Toma Shibuya, Anri Sato, Shoich Nishimoto-Kusunose, Kazumi Yoshizawa, Tatsuya Higashi. Further evidence for blood-to-brain influx of unconjugated bile acids by passive diffusion: Determination of their brain-to-serum concentration ratios in rats by LC/MS/MS. Steroids. 2024. 204. 109397-109397
稲葉洋平, 飯島健太郎, 飯島健太郎, 楠瀬翔一, 戸次加奈江, 内山茂久, 牛山明. Analysis and comparison of hazardous chemical compounds generated from heated tobacco IQOS ILUMA and ILUMA compatible devices. 室内環境学会学術大会講演要旨集(Web). 2023. 2023年. 168-169
Shoichi Nishimoto-Kusunose, Ayaka Hirakawa, Asuka Tanaka, Kazumi Yoshizawa, Kosho Makino, Hideyo Takahashi, Tatsuya Higashi. Drugs possessing aryloxypropanamine pharmacophore, duloxetine, dapoxetine and propranolol, increase allopregnanolone in rat brain: Possible involvement of allopregnanolone in their central nervous system effects. Steroids. 2023. 198. 109272-109272
Toma Shibuya, Shoichi Nishimoto-Kusunose, Ayaka Hirakawa, Kazumi Yoshizawa, Tatsuya Higashi. LC/ESI-MS/MS analysis of progesterone-derived steroids produced in SH-SY5Y cells. Medical Mass Spectrometry. 2023. 7. 1. 60-70
楠瀬翔一, 稲葉洋平, 戸次加奈江, 牛山明. Determination of reactive oxygen species in aerosol of heated tobacco products by DCFH assay. 日本薬学会年会要旨集(Web). 2024. 144th
戸次加奈江, 稲葉洋平, 楠瀬翔一, 内山茂久, 牛山明. A study on isocyanates from tobacco products and indoor pollution. 日本薬学会年会要旨集(Web). 2024. 144th
水元優花, 平川彩夏, 楠瀬翔一, 杉浦悠毅, 西本紘嗣郎, 東達也. Quantification of C18-oxygenated steroids in adrenal tributary venous serum of patients with primary aldosteronism LC/ESI-MS/MS. 日本薬学会年会要旨集(Web). 2023. 143rd
平川彩夏, 田中あすか, 楠瀬翔一, 吉澤一巳, 東達也. Involvement of allopregnanolone in neural actions of drugs possessing an aryloxypropanamine structure. バイオメディカル分析科学シンポジウム講演要旨集. 2022. 34th
高田一成, 萩原雪乃, 冨樫萌香, 橘高敦史, 川越文裕, 上杉志成, 上杉志成, 楠瀬翔一, 東達也. Major Vitamin D3 Metabolites Liberated in Human Urine after GUS Treatment. JSBMS Letters. 2022. 47. Supplement