J-GLOBAL ID:201901008004872742
Update date: Feb. 01, 2024
Narisawa Tomomi
Narisawa Tomomi
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Clinical psychology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
- 2020 - 2023 The effect of exercise intervention utilizing psychological approach on fear of cancer recurrence in breast cancer survivors
Papers (20):
Yuriko Takagishi, Masaya Ito, Ayako Kanie, Nobuaki Morita, Miyuki Makino, Akiko Katayanagi, Tamae Sato, Fumi Imamura, Satomi Nakajima, Yuki Oe, et al. Feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of cognitive processing therapy in Japanese patients with posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of traumatic stress. 2023. 36. 1. 205-217
Taro Ueno, Daisuke Ichikawa, Yoichi Shimizu, Tomomi Narisawa, Katsunori Tsuji, Eisuke Ochi, Naomi Sakurai, Hiroji Iwata, Yutaka J Matsuoka. Comorbid insomnia among breast cancer survivors and its prediction using machine learning: a nationwide study in Japan. Japanese journal of clinical oncology. 2021. 52. 1. 39-46
Eisuke Ochi, Katsunori Tsuji, Tomomi Narisawa, Yoichi Shimizu, Aya Kuchiba, Akihiko Suto, Kenjiro Jimbo, Shin Takayama, Taro Ueno, Naomi Sakurai, et al. Cardiorespiratory fitness in breast cancer survivors: a randomised controlled trial of home-based smartphone supported high intensity interval training. BMJ supportive & palliative care. 2021. 12. 1. 33-37
Tomomi Narisawa, Daisuke Nishi, Ryo Okubo, Hiroko Noguchi, Kei Hamazaki, Akihiro Yamashita, Yutaka J Matsuoka. Impact of peritraumatic distress on posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms at 6 months after acute coronary syndrome: a prospective cohort study. European journal of psychotraumatology. 2021. 12. 1. 1854511-1854511
Yoichi Shimizu, Katsunori Tsuji, Eisuke Ochi, Hirokazu Arai, Ryo Okubo, Aya Kuchiba, Taichi Shimazu, Naomi Sakurai, Tomomi Narisawa, Taro Ueno, et al. Study protocol for a nationwide questionnaire survey of physical activity among breast cancer survivors in Japan. BMJ open. 2020. 10. 1. e032871
MISC (15):
松岡 豊, 街 勝憲, 成澤 知美, 清水 陽一, 越智 英輔. 行動変容介入におけるe-Health/m-Health スマホアプリとFitbitを用いた乳がんサバイバーに対する運動介入. Palliative Care Research. 2020. 15. Suppl. S81-S81
成澤 知美, 野口 普子, 山下 晃弘, 浜崎 景, 大久保 亮, 松岡 豊. 急性冠症候群における発作時の心理的苦痛がPTSD症状に及ぼす影響. 総合病院精神医学. 2018. 30. Suppl. 132-132
山下 晃弘, 野口 普子, 浜崎 景, 成澤 知美, 松岡 豊. 急性冠症候群患者における血清多価不飽和脂肪酸と精神疾患発症リスク 前向きコホート研究. 脂質栄養学. 2017. 26. 2. 213-213
中島 聡美, 伊藤 正哉, 白井 明美, 小西 聖子, 新明 一星, 松田 陽子, 片柳 章子, 淺野 敬子, 成澤 知美, 正木 智子, et al. 日本における複雑性悲嘆の認知行動療法(CGT)の有効性についての予備的研究. 精神神経学雑誌. 2017. 2017特別号. S463-S463
山下 晃弘, 野口 普子, 浜崎 景, 佐藤 康弘, 成澤 知美, 河嶌 譲, 臼杵 理人, 西 大輔, 吉益 晴夫, 堀川 直史, et al. 急性冠症候群患者における血清多価不飽和脂肪酸と精神疾患発症リスク 前向きコホート研究. 精神神経学雑誌. 2017. 2017特別号. S604-S604
Lectures and oral presentations (4):
Effect of home-based smartphone-supported high-intensity interval training on cardiorespiratory fitness in breast cancer survivors: A randomized controlled trial of the habit-B program.
(2021 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS) 2021)
Effect of home-based high-intensity interval training and behavioral modification using information and communication technology on cardiorespiratory fitness and exercise habits among sedentary breast cancer survivors: the habit-B randomized controlled trial in progress.
(22nd IPOS World Congress)
Association between;physical activity;fear of cancer recurrence in;breast cancer survivors;a nationwide cross sectional study
(22nd IPOS World Congress)
Effect of home-based high-intensity interval training and behavioral modification using information and communication technology on cardiorespiratory fitness and exercise habits among sedentary breast cancer survivors: the habit-B randomized controlled trial in progress.
(42nd Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS) 2019)
Education (2):
- 2009 - 2014 大阪大学大学院 人間科学研究科 博士後期課程
- 2007 - 2009 大阪大学大学院 人間科学研究科 博士前期課程
Committee career (2):
- 2014/04 - 現在 日本トラウマティックストレス学会 被害者支援委員会
- 2012/07 - 2018/06 日本心理臨床学会 支援活動委員会
Awards (1):
- 2018/11 - 日本総合病院精神医学会 第31回総会 優秀演題賞
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