Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
2021 - 2024 知覚・認知に及ぼす時間文脈効果の個人差とその処理プロセスの解明
2019 - 2020 視覚物体表現の系列依存性に関する認知科学的研究
2015 - 2020 意思決定における判断バイアスの発生メカニズムの解明と除去法の開発
2012 - 2015 主観的判断の系列効果とその脳内過程の解明
Papers (16):
Aki Kondo, Yuki Murai, David Whitney. The test-retest reliability and spatial tuning of serial dependence in orientation perception. Journal of Vision. 2022. 22. 4. 5-5
Isami, C, Kondo, A, Goto, A, Sukigara, S. Effects of viewing distance on visual and visual-tactile evaluation of fabric. Journal of Fiber Science and Technology. 2021. 77. 2. 56-65
Aki Kondo, Megumi Yoshikawa, Sachiko Sukigara. The relationship between onomatopoeic words of luster sensations and high-grade feel of fabrics. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY. 2016. 51. 193-193
Goto A, Kondo A, Sukigara S. Visual impression of fabrics at different viewing distances. Asian Textiles Conference Proceedings. 2015. 3. 950-953
Tomoko Awazitani, Aki Kondo, Sachiko Sukigara. Relationship between the stereoscopic feeling and weave structure of carbon fiber woven fabric. PERCEPTION. 2016. 45. 109-110
Megumi Yoshikawa, Aki Kondo, Chiaki Umebayashi, Toshinori Harada, Sachiko Sukigara. Visual impression of the fabric while rotating. PERCEPTION. 2016. 45. 133-133