J-GLOBAL ID:201901010841360770
Update date: May. 31, 2024
Kurita Yutaka
Kurita Yutaka
Affiliation and department:
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
- 2022 - 2026 沿岸性魚類の繁殖投資量に及ぼす水温と餌料環境の複合的影響の評価
Papers (71):
Yutaka Kurita, Kotaro Shirai, Kaoru Kubota, Hiroyuki Togashi, Takami Morita. Relationship between stable cesium concentration and body size of Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus and the effect of a size-dependent shift in diet. Journal of Fish Biology. 2023
Yosuke Amano, Tsuguo Otake, Hiroyuki Togashi, Toshihiro Wada, Akihide Kasai, Yoshikazu Kato, Chikage Yoshimizu, Ichiro Tayasu, Yutaka Kurita, Kotaro Shirai. Otolith isotopic characterization as a nursery habitat indicator for stone flounder Platichthys bicoloratus. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2022. 277. 108028-108028
Yoshikazu Kato, Hiroyuki Togashi, Yutaka Kurita, Yutaka Osada, Yosuke Amano, Chikage Yoshimizu, Hiromitsu Kamauchi, Ichiro Tayasu. Segmental isotope analysis of the vertebral centrum reveals the spatiotemporal population structure of adult Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus in Sendai Bay, Japan. Marine Biology. 2021. 168. 5. 57
Yutaka Kurita, Toru Sakuma, Shigeho Kakehi, Shinya Shimamura, Atsushi Sanematsu, Hiromasa Kitagawa, Shin-ichi Ito, Ryo Kawabe, Yasutoki Shibata, Takeshi Tomiyama. Seasonal changes in depth and temperature of habitat for Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus on the Pacific coast of northeastern Japan. Fisheries Science. 2021. 87. 2. 223-237
Takeshi Tomiyama, Manabu Yamada, Akibumi Yamanobe, Yutaka Kurita. Seasonal bathymetric distributions of three coastal flatfishes: Estimation from logbook data for trawl and gillnet fisheries. Fisheries Research. 2021. 233. 105733-105733
MISC (61):
加藤義和, 冨樫博幸, 栗田豊, 長田穣, 天野洋典, 由水千景, 鎌内宏光, 陀安一郎. Stable isotope ratios of vertebral collagen reveal habitat history of Japanese flounder in Sendai Bay. 日本生態学会大会講演要旨(Web). 2020. 67th
冨樫 博幸, 天野 洋典, 櫻井 慎大, 和田 由香, 高梨 愛梨, 鈴木 貢治, 實松 敦之, 山崎 幸夫, 栗田 豊. 東北海域におけるヒラメ新規加人量調査結果(2017年). 東北底魚研究. 2018. 38. 180-184
外舘 香奈, 冨士 泰期, 高林 長将, 曽我部 共生, 鈴木 勇人, 栗田 豊, 山下 洋, 笠井 亮秀. 仙台湾におけるスズキの卓越年級群の形成要因 口頭. 2017年度水産海洋学会研究発表大会. 2017. p.92
冨山 毅, 栗田 豊, 上原伸二, 山下 洋. 福島県のヒラメ種苗放流における余剰生産力の年変動. 2017年日本水産学会春季大会. 2017. p.69
冨樫 博幸, 天野 洋典, 和田 由香, 髙梨 愛梨, 鈴木 貢治, 實松 敦之, 百成 渉, 栗田 豊. 東北海域におけるヒラメ新規加入量調査結果(2016年). 東北底魚研究. 2017. 37. 151-155
Books (5):
東日本大震災後の放射性物質と魚 : 東京電力福島第一原子力発電所事故から10年の回復プロセス
成山堂書店 2023 ISBN:9784425887118
10 years after the Great East Japan Earthquake: marine ecosystem, fisheries and coastal communities
Kouseisha-kouseikaku 2022 ISBN:9784769916895
成山堂書店 2016 ISBN:9784425886616
Impacts of the Fukushima nuclear accident on fish and fishing grounds
Springer, Fisheries Research Agency 2015 ISBN:9784431555360
Studies on reproductive biology of fishery resources-progress by application of tank experiments and bio-logging
Awards (3):
- 2022/03 - Best paper Estimating the spawning ground of Pacific saury Cololabis saira by using the distribution and geographical variation in maturation status of adult fish during the main spawning season.
- 2019/03 - Best Paper Award Ontogenetic habitat shift of age-0 Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus on the Pacific coast of northeastern Japan: differences in timing of the shift among areas and potential effects on recruitment success (Fisheries Science 84, 173-187)
- 2016/03 - 日本水産学会 水産学進歩賞(平成27年度) 漁業資源変動に及ぼす母性効果に関する繁殖特性研究
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