J-GLOBAL ID:201901010859514708   Update date: Nov. 21, 2024

Daigo Fujiwara

Daigo Fujiwara
Affiliation and department:
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (4):
  • 2017 - 2020 自律ヘリのための吹き下ろしと低速に強いADSの開発と脱GNSSロバスト航法の実現
  • 2017 - 2018 無人ヘリの自律アグレッシブ飛行のためのハイブリッドモデルによる非線形状態推定技術の開発
  • 2014 - 2016 GAとハイブリッド機体モデルによるヘリの軌道創発システムの開発と高機動飛行の実現
  • 2004 - 2005 Research on fully-autonomous guidance control of small unmanned helicopters by using the robust control
Papers (24):
  • Fujiwara, Daigo, Tonoike, Takumi. Development and flight-test verification of two-dimensional rotational low-airspeed sensor for small helicopters. ROBOMECH Journal. 2024. 11. 6
  • Fujiwara, Daigo. Hammer-head turn flight control of helicopters by using a thrust selection / desired attitude calculation based on a loading trajectory and a threshold. Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese). 2021. 87. 900
  • Tomita, Takumi, Fujiwara, Daigo. Development of the automatic autorotation landing control system by using a small unmanned helicopter. Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese). 2021. 87. 898
  • Isomura, Naomichi, Fujiwara, Daigo. Position compensation in all attitude of flying objects and application to flip maneuver control of small unmanned helicopters. Transaction of the JSME (in Japanese). 2017. 83. 854. 17-00013-17-00013
  • Fujiwara, Daigo, Shiokawa Takayuki. Design and experimental verifications of the high-speed turn flight control of single-rotor helicopters by the combination of the backstepping method and optimal servo system. Transaction of the JSME (in Japanese). 2017. 83. 854. 17-00087-17-00087
MISC (38):
  • Fujiwara Daigo. Chapter 3, Modeling, control system synthesis and implementation of multicopters, Special issue: Developments with MATLAB. Monthly magazine Interface, September 2022. 2022. 48. 9. 81-120
  • Fujiwara Daigo. Introduction 3 Usage of MATLAB and Simulink, Special issue: Developments with MATLAB. Monthly magazine Interface, September 2022. 2022. 48. 9. 24-27
  • Fujiwara Daigo. Special appendix: Analysis of the flight control program of drones. Monthly magazine Interface, April 2022. 2022. 48. 4. 189-225
  • Fujiwara Daigo. Section 1, 3 to 8, Chapter 2, Flight control programming laboratory, Special Issue: aerial, ground, and water drone and robot control. Monthly magazine Interface, March 2020. 2020. 46. 3. 38-88
  • 藤原 大悟. 無人ヘリの自律アグレッシブ飛行のためのハイブリッドモデルによる非線形状態推定技術の開発. 公益財団法人双葉電子記念財団 年報 2018年版(平成30年版). 2018. 24. 105-105
Patents (7):
  • A Flight Control Apparatus and the Flight Control Method of the Aircraft
  • Autonomous Control System Apparatus and Method for a Small, Unmanned Helicopter
  • Autorotation Control System Apparatus and Method for a Small, Unmanned Helicopter
Lectures and oral presentations  (83):
  • The study in improvement of the automatic autorotation performance by cooperative control of thrust and main rotor speed
  • Consideration of recovery-to-front-hover performance for different error expressions of SO(3)-based attitude control laws
  • Considerations of the differences of small helicopters and the trajectories about the automatic autorotation landing
    (TRANSLOG2023 2023)
  • Modeling, flight control design, and program implementation of unmanned helicopters using MATLAB
    (EdgeTech+ 2022, Seminar No. A3-02 2022)
  • Measurement experiments of the electric-power consumption and the noise and the consideration of the possibility for energy-saving low-noise operations of small unmanned helicopters
Professional career (1):
  • Ph.D (Eng.) (Chiba University)
Awards (6):
  • 2023/06 - The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Certificate of Merit for Excellent Paper, Robotics and Mechatronics Division Development of the automatic autorotation landing control system by using a small unmanned helicopter
  • 2019/04 - The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers JSME Medal for Outstanding Paper Position compensation in all attitude of flying objects and application to flip maneuver control of small unmanned helicopters
  • 2017/03 - Transportation and Logistics Division, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Certificate of Merit for Paper and Presentation Design and flight test of high-speed turn control of single-rotor helicopters by using the backstepping method
  • 2015/03 - Transportation and Logistics Division, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Certificate of Merit for Outstanding Presentation The simultaneous estimation of a disturbance and a dead zone of a control input for the helicopter flight control under tail-rotor damage conditions
  • 2010 - Chubu branch, The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers Award for new technology
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