Atsuhiro Satoh, Yasuhito Tanaka. Sion's minimax theorem and Nash equilibrium of symmetric multi-players zero-sum game with continuous strategies. Minimax Theory and Its Applications. 2019. 4. 2. 387-396
Atsuhiro Satoh, Yasuhito Tanaka. The equivalence of mini-max theorem and existence of nash equilibrium in asymmetric three-players zero-sum game with two groups. Applied Mathematics E - Notes. 2019. 19. 621-628
Atsuhiro Satoh, Yasuhito Tanaka. Sion's mini-max theorem and Nash equilibrium in a five-players game with two groups which is zero-sum and symmetric in each group. 2018
Atsuhiro Satoh, Yasuhito Tanaka. Nash equilibrium of partially asymmetric three-players zero-sum game with two strategic variables. 2018
Atsuhiro Satoh, Yasuhito Tanaka. Nash equilibrium in asymmetric multi-players zero-sum game with two strategic variables and only one alien. 2018
Atsuhiro Satoh, Yasuhito Tanaka. Sion's mini-max theorem and Nash equilibrium in a multi-players game with two groups which is zero-sum and symmetric in each group. CoRR. 2018. abs/1809.01488
Masahiko Hattori, Atsuhiro Satoh, Yasuhito Tanaka. Minimax theorem and Nash equilibrium of symmetric multi-players zero-sum game with two strategic variables. 2018