Research keywords (5):
Japanese politics
, conservative movements in Japan
, political participation
, civil society
, state-society relations
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2023 - 2026 A Study on the Diet Members' Groups in Japanese Politics
2020 - 2024 Mobilization and Political Process of Conservative Civil Society in Post-Cold War Japan
2021 - 2022 保守市民社会と日本政治ーー日本会議の動員とアドボカシー:1990-2012
Papers (11):
Wada, Takeshi, Koo, Yoojin, Aoki, Yoshiyuki. Convention, Protest, or Violence? Estimating the Influence of Repertoires of Contention over Tactical Choice. SocietàMutamentoPolitica. 2024. 15. 29. 13-36
Hye Won Um, Yoojin Koo. Legal Mobilization as a Movement Tactic: A Preliminary Study of War Responsibility Related Cases in Japan. Identity and Movements (EAA Booklet Series). 2021. 17
Yoojin Koo. Advocacy of Conservative Civil Society in the Abe Administration: The Case of the Nippon Kaigi. Korean Journal of Japanese Studies. 2021. 25
Yoojin Koo. Deformation of Conservatism in Japanese Politics: The Emergence of "Conservative Civil Society" in the 1990s and Onward. The Memoirs of Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia. 2021. 179. 105-138
Conservative Civil Society Organization and Japanese Constitutional Revision: Seeking the influence in the political process
(American Sociological Association 2024 Annual Meeting 2024)
Navigating the Pathway of Conservative Mobilization in Japan: Utilizing the event data
(The Panel “Populism and Conservatism in Japanese Politics” in the European Association for Japanese Studies (EAJS) 2023 Conference 2023)
What influences conservative mobilization events in Japan: Exploring the possibility of utilizing movement event data