Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
2024 - 2027 高齢者における歩行予備能が健康関連アウトカムに及ぼす影響の解明
Papers (46):
Hiroyuki Hashidate, Hiroyuki Shimada, Yuhki Fujisawa, Mitsunobu Yatsunami. An Overview of Social Participation in Older Adults: Concepts and Assessments. Physical therapy research. 2021. 24. 2. 85-97
Keisuke Sawada, Hiroyuki Hashidate, Norio Sasamoto. Short-term effects of home-visit rehabilitation for a community-dwelling older individual with severe dementia and trans-tibial amputation: Case report of an intervention on physical performance, behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia, and burden of caregiver. Rigakuryoho Kagaku. 2020. 35. 4. 587-594
Natsuki Shimizu, Hiroyuki Hashidate, Tomohiro Ota, Mitsunobu Yatsunami. Daytime physical activity at admission is associated with improvement of gait independence 1 month later in people with subacute stroke: a longitudinal study. Topics in stroke rehabilitation. 2020. 27. 1. 25-32
Test-retest reliability and criterion-related validity of the one-repetition sit-to-stand test in older adults with disabilities
(ACPT Congress 2018 2018)